Chapter 5: Bliss

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Hey Guys,

I am so sorry it took so long to upload this chapter, but I have'nt had he time. Anyways here it is! It has'nt been edited yet so please bare with me. Ill edit it when I get the chance. Please comment. I wont upload the next chapter until I see some comment so that I know peope are still liking the story so far! Thanks to sll my fans... I really love you all!!!



            James shot out of the garage so fast that I swear I broke a rib or two from the impact of my body slamming against the chair. I felt the adrenaline pulsing through my veins as James continued to accelerate, leaving the city of Rome in a colourful blur behind us.

            I couldn’t help but look over at him. His face was so calm and serene as he skilfully drove through the streets. No wonder he was considered to be the best driver in all of Italy. He turned on a dime and had reflexes to die for. All the while he was perfectly relaxed, his left arm resting on the door as he sat deep in the seat of his car. Before I had the chance to look away he caught me staring at him…again.

            He looked back at me for a while before pulling his mouth into his famous smirk, as he nonchalantly reach down and laced his fingers with mine. I didn’t object, I liked how our hands fit so perfectly together, the feel of his warm hand on mine. In fact, I hadn’t noticed it before, but he had really sexy hands. They were just the right size and where so strong that the tendons in his hand were clearly visible.

            He looked down at our laced fingers and smiled.

            “Your hands are really warm” he whispered in his throaty voice. I noticed that he didn’t look me in the eye when he said this. Instead he kept his gaze glued to the place where our hands rested. 

            I didn’t know what to say to that, but before I had the chance to even think about it, he brought the car to a stop and turned off the engine.

            I hadn’t noticed where we were going or that we had even slowed down or left the city. However, we ended up at a peaceful dock just outside of Rome, looking out to the ocean.

            “Your different, you know that?” I jumped a little in my seat, startled by his voice, causing him to chuckle low and shake his head in amusement.

            “Um…Thank you! I think?” I scoffed, pulling my eyebrows together in confusion. Was that a complement or should I be seriously insulted at the moment? But again, he read me like a book, knowing exactly what had confused me.

            “Good different!” He chuckled as I let out a sigh of relief. “I don’t know, there’s just something about you that sets you apart from all of the fake sluts out there in the world. Maybe that’s it!” he whispered, “Maybe your just the first real girl I’ve met. You don’t take crap from anyone, and you are so frigging stubborn and opinionated.” He smirked as he continued to look deeper into my eyes as I sat across from him in silence. “And you know what the best part is?” He asked seriously.

            His gaze held me completely captive. There was no escaping it, I couldn’t even bring my self to answer the question in fear that I might break contact with his brown eyes that melted my heart. So instead I resorted to shaking my head. He smiled and brought our hands up to his mouth. He gave them a slight turn so that my hand was closest, and he broke his gaze to concentrate on what he did next. His head lowered and he brought his lips to the back of my hand, his lip ring grazing my skin. I giggled at the feeling that I got when his lips touched me. My stomach was doing summersaults and my head was seriously in cloud nine. He looked up and smiled in reaction to my giggle before placing our hands in his lap as he leaned in closer to me.

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