"Fine I'll go but I won't like it. So what are we going to do for the next forty minutes?"

~~Time Skip brought to you by the Gods of rage quitting!~~

Mello's P.O.V

This sucks....I can't believe the luck we're having today. The last forty-eight hours has been a bust. First our flight was cancelled due to weather, then we just barely made the second flight. Which they didn't want to let Matt or I on mainly cause Matt didn't want to take off his damn goggles! So they could see his face. Then when I think we'll finally get through some random security guard stops us and does a security check. I mean did we NOT just go through that SHIT a moment ago? I need some chocolate. If only I had my gun I'd force my way through all these damn people!

Sighing I watch as the scenery changes from the parking area of the airport to a busy highway. The rain and snow has turned into hail and it's coming down hard. *hard coughing and slight weezing* "You know I don't normally care if you smoke, but we're in a small car. It's hailing outside. My lungs can only take so much. Stop smoking now okay?"I tell the two males in the car. Yes both the driver and Matt are smoking.

*Nods his head and puts out the cigarette, looks over at the salt and pepper haired male, huffing, car horns blaring, slow moving traffic, annoyed grunts and groans coming from the front seat*

"Look, here, this is ma cab ya hear. And if  ya'll don't like it, ya'll can get out and walk you little shit!" *face palms, still looking at the driver, brunette hair swaying* "We're paying customers. There's no need to be rude. Besides you have a big ass no smoking sticker on the back window!" *huffs, takes a big long drag, chuckles* "Do ya want me to turn this cab around young lady!" *laughter coming from both the front seat and left side of the backseat*

Reaching into my pocket I go to take out my last bit of chocolate only to find that it has melted. Something within me snaps as I look at my now gooey chocolate covered digits. This just won't do. *"Do ya want me to turn this cab around young lady, laughter"* 

*heavy breathing, fists balling up, look of both disgust and enragement*

"Now M-Mello he was only kidding"

"Speak for ya self son. That girl you got back there, just needs some good D, What's wrong little lady? Cat got ya tongue?"

*crude laughter, slaps knee and shakes head, takes a long deep drag, blows the smoke towards the back of the car*

For once I sit there in silence while this bugger talks about how he'll give me the D. How he'll make my 'virgin cunty' feel good. And how this will be a free ride for the both of us. I don't look over at my brunette friend. There is no need for me to do so. I can feel his eyes on me just like he can feel the deadly aura coming from me. The caramel complexion motherfucker with the shitty dye job is the only one that is laughing and the only one that can't seem to feel the change in the air. 

~~Matt's P.O.V~~

Shit is about to hit the fan as they say here in the states. Mihael was called a female and is now being hit on by this bastard. May whatever god he believes in have mercy on his soul. I could stop my friend from whatever he is going to do to this guy, but at this point the guy is pretty much asking for it.

I look from Mello to the driver then out the window. I know it's been years since I've been in this city but something isn't right...Has Lynda always lived this close to a red light district? It took me a minute to figure out this noob had taken a back route. Trying to get more money out of us or what?

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