Chapter 33

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PLAY music at the side please>>>>

This is what I was playing wehn writing this. I hope you like this! Thankyou you troopers if you've stayed with me for this long! it means a lot, and I hope you carrt on going with me ;) x


Tasha Castro

I could tell that my body had gone into shock – I couldn’t move an inch. Was this it? Sleeping with the fishes: literally.

How cliché. The shaking’s started. I blinked and I felt my eyes adjust.

The water’s up to my belly button now. This was what kind of set off a spark in my mind. My shaky hands made their way out to touch both of the rear doors.

Now I had a dilemma – should I wait until the water has taken over my palace? I could just end it right now. It’d be a lot easier for the people who love me – oh wait – loved. Nobody wants me with them anymore. I’m a sphere of “innocent” glass.

When I smash, everyone and everything within a certain radius with get stabbed with parts of me: just a gentle reminder of the regret that they have always had at the back of their mind – the regret for ever letting me squeeze through all those tiny little cracks in the armour that surrounds their soul.

I changed my position from brace to thought – I placed my elbows onto my knees, feeling the cold shoot through my forearms, coming to greet me.

It felt like forever until the water reached chin – lips – nose. I could smell and taste my fate… Should I?

I closed my eyes.

When I opened them again, I was in another world, staring at my bloody jeans through a haze of cloud and motion. I felt slightly detached, but at the same time, totally connected in a whole new way.

I hadn’t taken a breath for a few seconds, and already I was fighting myself until I made the decision. I looked up and saw that there was a pocket of air that was shrinking faster and faster as my palace sank deeper into the darkness. Looking straight ahead, I saw that the lights were still there – I think it was a sign from somewhere that there was still some worth in me existing.

I single bubble came from under the hood, and the lights cut out.

It was then that I realised that that was the last bubble – that these were going to be my last few beats of my heart, my soul.

The lights had gone out: did that mean that the last piece of the girl had lost the battle against the monster that had grown from inside?

The girl was her own worst enemy. That was the way that I saw it. How could she let this part of her boil and grow into something that it was never meant to be? It was under the circumstances in the end I suppose.

What I did was to help Dylan. I can’t do this anymore. Life I mean.

There’s absolutely no point in me anymore.

There’s always gonna be another girl that has many admirers, but she never has civilised and meaningful conversations with anyone.

In fact, there’s probably someone whose took my place in the high school hierarchy already. That pretty much sums up my influence in all aspects of life – I’m just the pretty chick who sits in the corner.

Dylan was the one that brought me out into myself. I really can’t imagine living life without him anymore. Well, now isn’t the time for imagining, which is why I’ve made this decision.

I’m not too young to die, I am welcoming Death like an old friend. He is coming to take me to a place which I truly deserve to be.

For my sake, I sure hope to God that there isn’t an afterlife, then I’ll have to witnesses the spread of my shards from a perspective where I can see every side of the story. Is that really a good thing?

I turned around and looked out of the window too see the distorted moon wave me a goodbye. I pressed my hand up against the glass, but did not feel the cold: just the smooth.

I could feel I was leaving.

I screamed and let all of the bubbles go. Air replaced with-

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