Chapter 12

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Tasha Castro

All I felt was falling, and the impact. Despite the towering expectations; I did not feel the impact that I had braced myself for.

In its place, I felt…well…nothing I suppose.

My eyes were forced closed and I was unwilling to open them no matter what the circumstances were. It was this way for what felt like an eternity, until I was finally mentally ready to see again, and I applied my dwindling metal power to bring up my eyelids to attention.

My eyelashes felt like they weighed about a ton each, and no matter what I did: I couldn’t raise them to their respective places so that I could see.

Then a rushing sensation, like I was hanging from a tree branch upside down. Memories of childhood I tried to comprehend and retrieve from the cherished part of my mind were no longer there.

I was in the present.

I was in the now, and nowhere else.

My head was beginning to get heavy: I was struggling to support it as the muscles in my neck began to cramp from the longevity of the workload. I needed to keep myself composed and organised; but this was easier said than done as I could only hang from where I was.

It was as if I was winded and could not bring myself to do an I needed to keep myself composed and organised; but this was easier said than done as I could only hang from where I was.

It was as if I was winded and could not bring myself to do anything but stay here.

Stay in the present.

Stay in the now.

I had the desire to move onto the future and re-live the past, but I was hopeless. My pulse had penetrated back into my ears, suddenly changing from normal and silent, to a huge hammering. My heart was having to work harder to serve it’s purpose of sending blood around my body.

The breathing became laboured.

My breathing stopped.

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