Chapter 27

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It was a split-second decision. It was a very simple decision to make.

To pull a small trigger on a big gun. This action is so insignificant to the person who's pulling: but changes the one who is being pushed forever.

You could say that it was like being pushed over a cliff tied up - not having a chance to change the outcome that will sooner or later be upon you.

Sooner later you will hit the floor.

Although the girl is unknowingly stepping into a world of vast change, the people are here to take care of it. They have hearts. They beat like ours.

But they are not entirely identical to a normal person's heart. These hearts have been through an awful lot over the years. The strains showed long ago.

These hearts may be about to break. But there is no way of telling, as they are hardened: brittle.


One minute before the shot...

'Just do it. There is nothing that we can do for her now, we are no use.'

The black van was driving along the dark, desolate and dingy highway with the aid of no light. Surplus night vision lenses served as well to the purpose.

It was lingering far enough away from the target so it couldn't been seen; but it could see the target.

The man in the passenger seat was leaning out of the window. He loaded the rifle he was holding with a sharp click and put his eye against the foot long telescopic lense.

The small object that he had watched from a distance was now magnified: making him more alert of the reality that morals strained against.

He whispered a small prayer, a blessing, then jolted backwards into the frame of the window before retreating back into his seat.

In the driver's seat was a woman.

She grabbed the man's hand and began to sob with a sharp intake of breath.

Nothing happened to the car. A big swerve one side of the road to the other but nothing more. It just carried on driving... The loud music still playing as if nothing had happened.

Well, this time twice had to be a charm - nevermind three tries.

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