Chapter 13

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Dylan Crammer

Just as I was about to surrender the last droplets of my soul, I heard something that I did not expect. I fluttered my eyelids open warily and adjusted them to shield myself from the harness of the light that was taking my life to consume as it’s own.

My ears were graced with a familiar tune and nothing else.

It was a girl humming. It sounded beautiful and natural, every note effortless; as if she had hummed this simple tune so many times that she could perfect it. I found myself humming along to the tune; even though I didn’t know why or how it was escaping my lips.

Until now I had been confined to my thoughts, and my thoughts alone. Now that I heard something: my voice sounded alien to me. Now it was coarse and barren, as if I had aged forty years just by being like this.

I flicked my sight up towards the source of the melody and saw something. That something might be able to give me some answers to many of the questions that needed an outlet. It was only a spec in the distance: maybe the height of a small five storey building. But I knew exactly who it was, even from this depth.

It was the girl.

She was wearing a pink bikini with a long and colourful wrap-around covering her legs. I stared at her for a moment, before she disappeared and the humming continued regardless.

 I felt disappointed as I released my grip from the white orb and let it retreat to whichever corner of this space that it originated. This gave me a new determination to wait for the girl to see if she came back.

Eventually, she did.

But this time she was flickering in and out of focus, like a bad TV signal. She became pixelated and clumsy in her movements. All the while however, the humming still carried on, as beautiful and clear as it was to begin win.

With my new found ability to speak, I tried to shout her to come down to my level: to catch her attention.

Maybe she will recognise me like I did with her?

As soon as I stopped humming along with the tune though, my throat became as dry and sore as it had been and I could only mime the words that I wanted to shout so loud. What else could I do to attract her attention?

I closed my eyes and thought for a moment.

And then I closed my eyes tighter: coming up with the idea of possible telekinesis. What? It is my mind isn’t it? I can do whatever I want! I placed her in my mind above me, and lassoed an imaginary rope around her; catching her in my mind.

With this, I felt that the image was weak and fading, the density of the girl fading fast. I yanked her down toward me, but whilst I had my eyes closed; I felt myself jerking upwards and towards her.

I opened my eyes, and there she was: right in front of me. We looked directly at eachother and she gave me a loving grin that was completely new, but I knew it so well.

Then my brain started to backfire again, like the first time I had an unconscious thought. My brain was trying to formulate the sounds, syllables and spelling for the girls name from the deepest part of my brain. I could feel my thoughts weave through the matter between my ears: trying to find a way to the centre of the maze: to find the ultimate prize.

It was right of the tip of my tongue.

‘T-t-t-t,’ I stuttered she nodded in encouragement as if she knew that I was having a hard time, ‘Tasha.’

I finally knew her name! I felt exhausted, but at least I had accomplished something.

Before I could do anything else, she melted me like so many times before with those big, deep brown eyes. She closed the gap between us and our lips gently touched.

An innocent kiss. I knew that she was my girlfriend from previous knowledge that I had gathered; but nothing else. This kiss seemed different to all of the others. It was nice, but I just felt… detached.

She cupped her hands beneath his chin and gazed into his eyes, nose to nose.

‘I’m so sorry. You will understand one day.’

That was all she said before a layer of tears streamed down her face. I cried too. I don’t know why; but I knew it was for good reason. I was in a real mess with her.

She kissed me again.

‘I love you! There, I said I’d be the first one to say it!’ she shouted in between sobs. The echoes of her voice multiplied and gave me the message five or six times, one after the other.

‘I love you too.’ I croaked in reply. It was all I could muster.

She brought my face even closer to hers and I closed my eyes letting her embrace me for a few moments.

Finally, she gently kissed both of my closed eyes and then my forehead in turn.

This was exactly how I felt when I was in the first stages of gathering his thoughts and someone did the same thing. Could it be her?

How would that even be possible?

As he thought this, I no longer felt the warmth of her body against mine. I opened his eyes.

She was gone, and I was back by himself once more.

I hovered there for a few seconds before falling back to the deepest part of unconsciousness. It is so desolate down here, and I can only survive with the help of my mechanical lungs.


The moment after and the moment before were exactly the same. The monitor around him were beeping and alerting the hospital staff that the boy was in a bad way. It was the moment in the middle of all of the chaos that we saw something that we didn’t want to see. For one hundred and twenty seconds exactly, there was silence around his bed.

There was a twitch: a twitch from his cute little nose.




Tasha has only fainted so she is only just unconcious, and she is slowly drifting in and out of it. so she is at the top.

Dylan is a stage 5 coma so he is right at the bottom. so hes got to meet her at the top. the bit at the end shows that he almost gained conciousness and he was that clase when he was hugging Tasha

Hope that all made sense. comment and tell me what you think and improvment suggestions coz this is a kind "out there" chapter. Thanks guys x

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