Chapter 23

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A/N: Scenes of abuse, rape, and other mature matter. Do not proceed reading if you are sensitive to any of the above. Please do not get offended by any of this. I believe in nothing that happens in this chapter and we all know Michael was not like this! I love him with all my heart and would never intend to hurt him. This is a fiction book, please in no way take this chapter seriously. ALTERNATE CHAPTER WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR ANYONE WHO DOES NOT WANT TO PROCEED IN READING THIS CHAPTER!

As we are in the car Michael grows impatient, tapping the pads of his fingers on the steering wheel. He glances over at me every couple of seconds, frightening me every time. Every time we would get to a red light he would speed right through it, never hesitating to stop. Sooner than I would like, we pull up into his long driveway. My heart begins to race again, and my anxiety starts to build up the closer we get to the house.

As we park in the driveway, he gets out of the car. He takes slow strides to my side of the door, fiercely pulling it open. He reaches towards my arm grabbing it tightly. He walks in a rush, making me stumble over my feet a couple of times, but then gaining my balance.

He forces me into the house and slams me to the floor. My body feels as if I just ran into a wall. The pain flows throughout my body, leaving me helpless. He comes right in front of my face, lifting my chin up to him as I'm knelt known on the floor. His cold, bitter eyes stare straight into mine. "You think you can just get away with that. You utterly disobeyed me right after I fücking told you not to. What were you thinking, that I would just forget or something? N-no-no baby, that's not how this works. I clearly told you if I ever seen you with that boy again, you would be severely punished. Hm, you must have thought I was playing." He smirks to himself and stands back up, dominating me as I'm knelt down on the floor.

I then feel a sharp pain burst through my stomach. I let out a loud groan of pain, desperately wanting him to stop. I feel a sharp pain in my face noticing he slapped his bare hand across it. Tears are filled in my eyes and they begin streaming down my face. I cover my face, trying to avoid his harsh blows. He keeps throwing harsh punches, hitting me painfully with every blow and he relentlessly, doesn't stop.

I'm now halfway blacked out, when Michael voice boom's throughout the house. "Get the fück up!" He yells. My head is slowly spinning and I can barely feel anything. I gradually begin to stand, dizzy and lightheaded. I feel myself wobbling on my feet, weakly standing upright. He grips ahold of my arm and I flinch in fear, scared of receiving another one of his painful hits.

He looks over at me and chuckles at my reaction. "None of that princess. The pain is over baby, now it's just time for the pleasure" he whispers in my ear. My limp body has no energy to fight against him. I know I don't want to have sex with him, but no words are able to come out. I try pulling away from him but I get no where with that and end up just getting my arm gripped even stronger.

I feel him lift me up, half conscious and he lays me down on the bed. I feel his presence leave from the side of the bed, and I suddenly start to feel relief, as if he won't hurt me anymore. All of the sudden when I think Michael had left, I feel his hands pull at the waistband of my skirt. He pulls it down until they pool around my ankles and he slowly slides them off of my feet. I feel the air upon my bare womanhood, not liking the usually satisfying feeling.

I hear him unzip his pants, and I begin to panic, not being able to move though, from the terrible beating Michael gave me beforehand. My breaths become heavy as I feel him length slam into me mercilessly. Pain and an uncomfortable sensation takes control of my body. I lay there in the bed helplessly, while he torturously takes advantage of me.

He soon cüms inside of me, moaning. He stares at me in my eyes and I see his eyes become softer. He then suddenly gets off of me, pulls his pants up and he backs away from me. He crouched in the corner of the room, bringing his legs up to his chest, mumbling inaudible words to himself. I then gain the strength to get up, grabbing my skirt and putting it back on. I look at Michael in disgust and burst into tears, not believing what just happened. I walk towards him, smacking him in the face. "Fück you, Michael!" Those words were my last, before grabbing his car keys, walking out of the house, and driving as far as I can away from him into the distance of the night...

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*Hi. So this chapter made me really emotional and I started crying like 5 times while writing it. I felt dirty writing something like that, even though it's fiction, I still felt really bad. I had to stop writing a couple of times and take breaks in between just to calm myself down. I fr hate myself for this chapter but I really had to do a huge turnaround in this book. Alternate chapter is published by the way. I'm so sorry if you didn't like this chapter. With love❣😩 ~MX*

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