Chapter 16

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Today is a mess. I haven't done anything all day but just lay in bed. I don't have the energy to get up and I haven't even taken a shower. I probably smell like ašš, but who cares. The only person I have in my life isn't even here right now, and honestly that's all I care about. The only thing I can think about, is a way to get Michael back. I begin to plot my plan.

•Short time skip•

I have been sitting here for about 2 hours and I have only thought of one solution. The idea I had is to rob people and steal about 50,000 dollars for his bail. I really don't want to do that, and I know I'm not that kind of person. I think about it for a couple of minutes deciding if I'm willing to go through that for him. I make my decision final and I recognize that he is worth it, and go through with the plan.

I write my plan down in a notebook, being very descriptive, making sure everything is thought out well. Once done I then think about what I'm going to wear, so I don't get caught. I go over to Michael's dresser, looking for his "work" clothes. I find a black long sleeve shirt, along with baggy black pants. I try them on and it's all a little to big, but I decide to use it anyways. My plan is well thought through and I'm only waiting for tonight to begin.

•Short time skip•

It's now about 11:00 at night and I feel it's pretty safe to go out now. I leave the house and take Michael's car, since I have no other one. I get in the car, taking my gun, a couple of trash bags and a picture of Michael to keep my motivation going. I search through specific neighborhoods, looking for the "rich" ones. I prey upon the houses I'm going to tonight and find all the right ones.

I pull up to the first house and it was beautiful. It was a big and all white, with a pool and basketball court. I went in the house through the backdoor, using a pick to get in. I walked in and all the lights were off, making me assume no one was there or either everyone was asleep. I walked quietly throughout the house being cautious of the noise I was making. I then ran into something big and bulky making me fall back hard.

I took my mask off to get a better view of what made me fall. I still couldn't make out what I ran into until a dim light was turned on. In front of me stood a man who was about 6'8, and was very handsome, yet intimidating. I looked up in fear, just waiting for him to say anything. I stayed on the floor frozen, not daring to stand up in front of this man. He took a slow steps towards me, making me crawl backwards until I hit a wall. He kept walking towards me and bent down to my height until he was right in front of my face, making me flinch in fright of what he was going to do.

"Calm down sweetie, I know who you are and I won't hurt you" he says touching my face lightly with the back of his hand. I open my eyes and meet gorgeous blue ones. "Who are you?" I ask. He looks into my eyes and responds. "My name is Christian and I used to work with Michael a long time ago. Everyone knows he took you that night, yet no one has ever been able to find you. We thought you were dead, and the police stopped searching." I just stare at him with a blank look, comprehending everything he is saying.

He then continues to talk. "Why are you here, baby girl? I won't do anything if it's a answer I don't want to hear, I just would like to know" he says. I get the confidence to respond, knowing he won't hurt me. "I'm here for Michael. He is in jail and I need to get him out. I was planning to steal your money, and take your jewelry to pawn it. I'm sorry, I never intended to do this, it's just I need money. I have to get 50,000 dollars, and this was the only way." I begin to tear up, thinking of Michael.

"Don't cry, I will give you all the money you need. Tell Michael though, that once he gets out, his ašš owes me. Just stay here for a second." He gets up and walks out of the room. When he walks out, I chuckle at his comment, making me feel happier that he will actually help me even though I made a failed attempt at robbing him.

I wait there for about 5 minutes until he comes back with a dark black safe in his hands. He sits it on the ground and opens it. When he does so, cash immediately falls out making a pile in front of me. I stare at all this money wide eyed, grateful that I came to this house and met him. "Here it all is. In here is 50,000 dollars. Remember what I said about Michael owing me. Now run along before my wife see's you down here and calls the cops." he tells me.

I get up from the floor and grab all the bags I came in with. We both walk out of the front door and back to Michael's car. We put the money and everything in the back. Before I get in the car I give him a big hug, whispering a "Thank you" in his ear. He says nothing, but gives me a small smile. I get in the car, and quickly drive off, trying to get home.

Once I get home I put all of the money in one of the secret closets of the house. I put all of Michael's "work" equipment and clothes back where I found them and began to settle down. Before I went to sleep I took a quick shower and cleaned the room up. I then laid down in the bed. The covers smelled like Michael, and it made me miss him even more. I lied there in the bed, waiting on tomorrow to come so I could get the person I needed most.

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*Hey ppls🙂. The video I put in the beginning doesn't have anything to do with the chapter, it's just the setting and how they are dressed is kind of relevant. I was also gonna put pictures of what Christian looks like in this chapter but I thought you guys should have fun imagining him. But anyways, I hope you guys had a happy holidays💓. I got a new Michael poster and I'm like in love with it😂. I can't stop staring at it😩😍‼️. Anyways, that was just like a huge rant😕, sorry💀😔. With love❣~MX*

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