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Once the draft was over we decided to go back to the Seager household so that Corey could shower before we go out to lunch. We were also going back to pick up Justin and Kyle who were still at the house. Once we got there Corey headed straight to the shower as Jody and Jeff went to go change. I was sitting on the couch alone just scrolling through my phone until Kyle walked down with Justin following him. "Hey Dre," they say in unison.

"Hey guys," I say sitting up from where I was laying, "Don't you two look nice." They're were pretty dressed up because they wanted to go eat at this fancy little Italian restaurant, just outside of town. I was beginning to get nervous about telling them about me and Corey. Sure, they like me now but we were best friends, now we're dating that's a whole different story. What if-

"Right, Dre?" Justin says interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I say, "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." They both look at me funny and sit on the couch with me.

"You okay, kid? You look a little pale.. something on your mind?" Kyle says.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" I nod. They look at me and I can tell they had me figured out.

"Okay, spill it," Justin says. I sit there and try to play it off like it's nothing but they know me to well.

"I don't know what you mean, I was just dozing off, I'm pretty tired" I say.

"Oh so this has nothing to do with Corey telling Mom and Pops you two are dating?" Kyle says as my eyes widen. They both burst out laughing at my reaction and Justin shoves me.

"Oh c'mon kid. Do you really think our little brother wouldn't tell us about you two? He wouldn't shut up about it" He says laughing, "plus if he hadn't told us you pretty much just gave it away right now." I sock him as they both just continue to laugh at me.

"You guys are assholes, but if you must know, yes that is what I'm worried about. I don't know how your parents will react," I admit.

"They'll probably react like we did," Kyle says walking toward the kitchen.

"Which was?" I ask nervously as I follow him.

"We told Corey it was about damn time he grew some balls and asked you out. You guys should've been dating since you were like 13," he laughs. I kinda just smile at the thought.

Justin comes up from behind and places his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, don't worry. You know Mom and Pops love you like their own daughter, they'll be happy for you guys," I nod and we continue to make random conversation for a couple more minutes until Corey and his parents we're ready to go.

Corey came down dressed in a aqua colored nike shirt, jeans, and some Vans. Even now such a simple outfit he looked so good. "Alright kids let's go, Corey you're driving right?" Jody says.

"Yes ma'am, I'm gunna take the truck," Corey replied.

"I think me and Justin will ride with these two, you and Dad can follow in your car" Kyle says with a smirk. They nod as we all head out to the cars. Me and Corey sat in the front and his brothers sat in the back.

We drove as music played throughout the car until Kyle broke the silence, "So Corey, you didn't tell Dre we know?" I turn and glare at him as he has a smirk on his face.

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