The End...?

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Olivia woke up the morning after graduation with a small smile on her face. High school is done and over with, so why not be happy?!

She pulled out her phone to call Alex. They've gotten close lately.

"Hey Alex!" She greeted into the phone.

"Hey Olivia!" Alex said back.

They talked for what seems like hours, but in reality, it was only a couple minutes.

"We should hang out!" Alex said. "You can join the boys and I. We're going to the arcade."

"The arcade? what are you, five?" She asked and giggled into the phone. Arcades are amazing. Beyond amazing. She loves all the games and prizes... and food. The food was her favorite part.

"Oh shut your mouth women, you coming or what?"

"Of course!" She excepted with a wide grin. Alex, who was sitting in his bedroom, scrolling down his Tumblr feed, smiled widely.

"Sweet, I'll come pick you up... and hey, have you talked to Cole today?" He asked her worriedly.

She shook my head no, but knowing he can't see her, she replied "No, I haven't. I just woke up." Alex laughed at Olivia's response and then they said their goodbyes. Alex changed from his sweatpants and hoodie to shorts and a tank top, since it was summer after all.

Alex got in his car and drove to Olivia's house. On the way, he stopped at Coles house. He knocked once and the door opened slowly, with no one on the other side. Confused, he walked in cautiously and scanned his surroundings.

"Cole?" Alex's voice echoed off the walls as he looked around.

The house was empty.

'Where would Cole be at 10 in the morning? He must be sleeping...' Alex thought as he walked up the stairs to go to Coles door.

He opened it slowly, but the room was empty.

"Cole?" He called once more.

No one. Alex was alone.

When he was about to walk out, he noticed an envelope on Coles bed. He walked to it and looked at the front.

'To whoever finds this first...'

Alex's eyes furrowed in confusion as he opened it and started to read.


"What do you mean he's gone?" Drew yelled at Alex. They all gathered at the gym, one of their favorite places to go when they're mad or sad.

"I don't know Drew, I just found this!" Alex shouted and threw the envelope at Drew.

Drew caught it fortunately, and started to read it. A tear rolled down the mans cheek as he read.

"I can't believe this..." Drew mumbled. The other boys were there too, so they took a glance at the papers as well.

"This is so unlike Cole too..." Dylan said as he read the paper.

"Where could he have gone?" Carson asked as he closed the paper and handed it back to Alex.

"I have no clue." There was another paper that said 'Olivia.' on it but they all chose to respect the couples privacy.

"We should give that to Olivia." Drews voice cracked as he snatched the folded paper. "I can do it..."

"We should all go together." Carson stated.

They all agreed to go to Olivia's house, since Alex was on his way anyways before this interrupted him.


They walked up to Olivia's doorstep and knocked twice.

Their silence was deathening. No one said a word as they looked at each other's bloodshot eyes and red cheeks.

Olivia answered the door, her hair in a bun with shorts on and a Pink Floyd T-shirt.

'Cole was lucky to have her..' Drew thought to himself.

"Hey- what's wrong?" Olivia's face filled with worry as she looked at them all.

"Olivia... Can we come in?" Carson asked Olivia. She nodded with a confused face and walked in.


"So... he's gone?" Olivia asked with tears falling down her cheeks. "After all that, he's fucking gone?" She screamed and hid her face in Drews chest. Drew's thoughts were overwhelming him from that day at the hospital when Cole said If he left, take care of Olivia. Drew needs to do that, he knows it, for Cole.

"And he left this..." Alex mumbled and gave the envelope addressed to Olivia. She took it hesitantly and went to her room to read it.

She slowly tore the paper and pulled the line paper out. She noticed how Coles messy handwriting has filled the paper.

It read;


I'm guessing if you're reading this than you know I'm gone. I'm not dead, I just... left.

I did it because I care for you Olivia. I love you so much.. so so much, that I did this for you. If I stayed you could've been hurt again. I don't want you to go through that again. There is more people after the boys and I then you can imagine, Liv. So many more.

I left because I didn't want to be selfish. Selfish as in if I stayed you could've gotten hurt again.

I love you so much Olivia, you have no idea. I need you more than air, but I did this for you.

Don't look for me, please, don't. Just move on.

Maybe fate will bring us together again?

Forever and Always,


Olivia's sobs erupted in her small room as she finished reading it.

Drew hesitantly knocked on the door and opened it, revealing Olivia's small body on her bed, her knees up to her chest and her head buried in her knees.

"Hey..." Drew mumbled softly, walking towards her and wrapping his arms around her small body.

He took the paper from her hands and scanned the paper. He sighed as a tear rolled down his cheeks.

He doesn't want to be found...

"We need to move on." Drews voice cracked and hugged her tighter and tried to sound more like himself, for Olivia's sake.

"But I love him..."

"We need to forget about him, he's not coming back, go to college, get your dream job, just forget. It'll be okay..." Drew stated.

Their silence made their realization hit them in the face.

They need to move on.








Thanks for all your love and support on this book guys, it means a lot.

I love you.




That Boy's Bad.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon