Chapter 20

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A/N: I'm thinking of making a book two but I don't know what it would be about, it would be something about this book, and if you have any ideas, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments.


*Cole's POV*

I awoke in a lightly lit room, making me squint my eyes.

"Where am I?" I said, my voice hoarse. I tried sitting up but there was a sharp pain in my leg. I groaned and laid back down.

"You're up." Drew said, looking at me with wide eyes.

"No, I'm dead." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"We'll I'm surprised you aren't, Cole." He said, sternly. "That bullet had some sort of poison in it, and it spread through you. You've been out for 2 months." He said, looking down at his shoes. "I'm glad you're ok buddy." He whispered. He never showed he cared, he never showed he loved, but today, in this small hospital room, I could see the real Drew I haven't seen in years.

He walked out of the room to get a doctor, and I stared out the window. I heard the door open and in came Alex.

"I'm so sorry Cole. I'm so sorry this is all my fault, this would if never happened if I didn't-"

"It's ok-"

"We would've been still fine if-"


"Please forg-"

"Alex!" I yelled, my voice booming off the walls, making Alex jump. "It's alright. I understand. It's not your fault at all, you didn't know, and I accept your apology." I said, smiling. He nodded and got up to leave. Soon all the boys left and Drew came back with the doctors. They said I could leave in a week, because they still have to make sure the poison doesn't come to attack again.

Soon Drew and I were sitting, tossing a ball back and forth.

"Where's Olivia?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. What if something bad happened to her?

"I'm right here." A small voice piped up from the doorway, running into the room. She saw I was awake, and with wide eyes ran up to me. I opened my arms and she soon wrapped her arms around me. I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck and smelled in her sweet strawberry scent.

"I missed you." I mumbled.

"I missed you too." She said back. We soon released and I looked up at her.

"When I get out of here, we are going on a date." I said, smiling confidently. She nodded and soon I captured her lips with mine. But it didn't last long. A cough was sounded from the other side of the room and we pulled away, looking at Drew's smirking face, sheepishly.

"I'll leave you two alone I guess." He said, smirking. He walked towards the door, opened it, then turned to face us.

"Keep it PG, kids." He said, chuckling. I glared at him, making him chuckle more. He walked out of the room and I heard Olivia sigh.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her, turning her face so she would face me. She looked into my eyes and then looked away.

"Nothing, I just don't want you in here anymore." She whispered, her eyes glazing over.

"It's ok, I'll be out soon, 1 week, that's it." I encouraged her, smiling lightly.

"Ok." She smiled, looking at me.


That week was the most boring week of my life. All I did was literally sit there and watch re-runs of family guy on the small TV that is attached to the bed. People did come to see my everyday, but honestly it feels like prison in there.

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