Chapter 14

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*Olivia's POV*

My own brother. The one I grew up with- told all my secrets and crushes to. The one who protected me through everything. The one I looked up to as a role model...

Is a murderer.

Drug dealer.

And a boss of a gang.

So that's why he told me to stay away from them.

He doesn't want to kill me like he killed Paige York. His cold heart isn't cold enough to do that, is it?

I looked at all the guys around me and then up at Cole, whose arms are still around me. My stomach filled with butterflies as my face grew hot. I pulled away and Coles face turned into a frown.

"My own brother." I said laughing silently.

"I'm sorry, Liv." Cole said, quietly.

"I'm still going to be your friend, guys. Trust me. My brother can't scare me away." I said, smiling. Cole and Dylan smiled matched mine.

"If that's the case, we have to make sure you stay safe." Drew said. "We have a house, it's kind of like a secret base. You can stay there if you want, because no one knows about it, and we have guards everywhere around it."

"Ok." I agreed, nodding me head.

"We left out one thing." Dylan cut in. "After we got away from their gang, we started our own. They have the North territory of the city- whereas we have the South Territory. We have guards on the border, so we know who enters and who leaves." He stated.

"So if my brother is the boss of the North, who's the boss of the South?" I asked.

"Drew." Alex stated. "He makes all the orders on who does what in this group. This little north-south-territories thing has been going on for years, so his dad was the leader before, but he stepped down so Drew had to take his place."

"So does that mean my dad was the boss of the North before?" I questioned.

"Your father wanted nothing to do with the group. So he denied the boss act when your grandfather stepped down in 2011. The spot had been opened for a year, when Tyler took the position in 2012, it's been different. All out war." Drew stated. "They haven't done anything drastic since they murdered Paige. They've just been quiet. They must be planning something- considering no one quits until someone forfeits their territory. If someone forfeits the territory- the boss who gets the territory, then goes for the entire state- then eventually, the country. These gangs are everywhere, everyone just haven't seemed to notice them yet because everything happens quietly, and mostly during the night." Drew finished.

"So basically, America is a blood bath waiting to happen?" I asked.

"Pretty much." Alex agreed.

"Unless." Cole chimed in, "Unless we win the territory of the North. Then we will not cause destruction, it will be peaceful like it was until 2008- when your great grandfather took the role from a peaceful boss, who caused no destruction." He stated, looking at his feet.

"Then we need to win." I said. "Either my brother forfeits or..." I looked away. "Or he steps down voluntarily. Then I will take the role."

They all started laughing.

"What?" I said, angry.

"No girl has ever been the leader!" Alex stated, wiping away an invisible tear. "That's just ridiculous!"

"I can do it!" I said, angry again. "I can at least try!"

"She's right." Drew said. I didn't even notice he didn't laugh at all. His face was in a straight line. "There is no harm in trying. They would have to listen to her- and plus, she's a Martin, so it would get passed down to her anyways." He stated.

"True." Cole agreed. "But who said they would give it to a girl?"

"She's a Martin! They have no choice." Carson stated. I haven't heard from him at all this whole time.

"Ok. So how are we supposed to get Tyler to step down from his throne?" Alex asked.

We looked at one another in silence.

"I got it!" Cole said. "I have a plan."

"What?!" We all said simultaneously.

"We go in unnoticed. Drew goes talks to him and declares war. We sneak into his office, then kidnap him. We don't let him leave unless he steps down, if he doesn't, he dies." Cole finishes.

"He's still my brother." I said, a sharp pain hitting my chest. "I still care for him."

"It's either you or him." Drew said, coldly. "Who would you chose to die?" I nodded my head in understanding.

We sat in silence for what seems like hours.

"Liv can I talk to you?" Cole asked, making Dylan glare at him. "Alone." I nodded and we headed inside.

*Cole's POV*

I like her.

I like her and only her.

I need her in my life.

I need her in my arms again.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Olivia asked, looking up into my eyes. I then proceeded to wrap my arms around her.

"Please be safe." I whispered into her neck. "I need you." I said quieter than before. I pulled back and connected her lips to mine gently. I felt sparks going everywhere in me, and I didn't want to ignore them this time. "I like you." I whispered again, once pulled away. I put my head on hers and looked her in the eyes.

"I like you too." She whispered back.

"Please stay in my life." I pleaded. She nodded and I connected our lips again. I pushed her against the wall and she dug her nails into the back of my neck, making a quiet moan escape my lips. I grabbed her hips and put my hands slowly under her shirt. We pulled away and I said with more confidence this time;

"Please be mine."

"Of course." She replied, smiling.

Olivia Martin is my girlfriend.

And to my surprise, she likes me back.

I can't wait to see Dylan's face.




I think this is my favorite chapter... Maybe. Hehe

Took them long enough, right?


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~ailuj~ (<-- heh my name backwards.)


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