Chapter 19

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*Cole's POV*

We slowly crept in the woods, approaching out destination. My adrenaline was pumping, my grip was tight on my gun, and I was ready.

I was ready to defeat Tyler.

I looked to my left and noticed Drew had his sniper pointed upwards to the top of the building, pointing at one of the men. He slowly pushed down the trigger and the man fell to the ground. We headed forward and hid behind trees when two guards came strolling in the woods. When they past my tree I put one in a headlock and broke his neck. He fell to the ground as the other was also killed by Alex. We continued our journey and soon came upon the door. We slowly creaked it open and slid in.


We looked in every direction.

Left. Silence.

Right. Silence.

It's too silent.

Soon we broke off into groups going both ways. I was with Dylan, Alex, Pete, and Jack. Drew was with Carson, Walter, Ben, and Damon.

We slowly went down the hall, making sure our footsteps are quiet.

Once we reached the end of the hall, I nearly dropped my gun.

There in the middle of the room, was Olivia, tied to a chair.

But she was alone. This is too easy. Tyler wouldn't back down that easy.

"Cover me." I said to the rest of the guys, and I ran to Olivia. She looked up with wide, scared eyes.

"You're okay. I'm going to bring you home." I said, looking in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and she silently whimpered in my arms.

"Drop the gun, Cole." A voice boomed behind me. I turned around to see Tyler, his gun pointing at me from a couple feet away. My eyes narrowed as I slowly put down my weapon.

"You didn't think this would end that easy, did you? He chuckled. "I would never give up."

"Look at what you caused, Tyler. You've hurt your own sister, for what? Revenge? That makes you look pathetic. You should never lay a finger on a girl, Martin." I snapped, my anger rising. I clenched my fists and took a step forward. "Now we can end this- the easy way, or the hard way. Either way, you're dead." I stated, coldly.

"I think we all know who the dead one is today, Cole." He muttered.

"I'd like to see you shoot your best friend for 5 years." I said, glancing at Olivia for her reaction. "We used to play basketball in your driveway, remember that? You would tell me all you secrets.." I trailed off looking in his eyes. "You were a best friend to all of us, Ty." I looked down at my feet.

"That doesn't matter! You don't matter to me! I don't care!" He shouted, shaking his head. "You're dead to me anyways. You took the love of my life away from me! You took Paige!" He shouted. My heart stung at her name. "She loved you!! Not me! I should take the love of your life away, but I can't. She's my sister." He looked at her. "I couldn't do th-"

"Drop the weapon, NOW!" A voice boomed. Tyler turned his head slightly and saw who it was. The group I went with was circling around him.

"Never!" He roared as put his finger on the trigger. My eyes widened as his clicked the trigger and it all went in slow motion. The bullet reached my body and hit my right leg. I groaned out in pain and fell to my knees. I heard a voice scream behind me.

"Cole!" Olivia screamed as I fell.

I looked at her as her eyes watered. I smiled a little and pulled myself towards her. I said in between her legs and she played with me hair.

"You'll be okay." She whispered.

"Olivia. I need to tell you something." I said groggily, looking up. She nodded. "I lo-"

That's when it all went black.

*Olivias POV*

I screamed out at someone.. Anyone to help him. Dylan came running over and his eyes widened. He pulled him up and started pulling him to the exit, whereas Alex came and untied me. I burst into tears as Alex pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I let them take you." He whispered into my ear, tightening his grip around my waist.

"He will be ok, Liv, he's a tough boy." He said, looking into my eyes.

"I hope so." I whispered.


I watched as tears were shed and people took their seats in the small church. I walked up to the front as my eyes watered. I wiped my eyes on my arm as we sat down. Alex, Dylan, Carson, and Drew sat next to me as we looked up at the front.

Now you must be wondering, did Cole die!? Who the hell died!?!

No. He didn't die. Not yet anyways. He's in the hospital still.

The bullet had something in it, the doctors said. Some sort of poison that spread into his body. He's basically fighting for his life as we speak.

The one who died was my brother.

Turns out Alex shot him right in between the eyes.

I'm not mad at him or anything, I'm thankful to say the least.

I'm not going into the whole detail about the funeral. But I did cry. Actually I bawled my eyes out, but same thing.

The hospital is a whole different story.

This is a life-death situation, and I'm praying Cole pulls through.

I love him.

I didn't realize that until at the mill house tied up to a chair, but hey, at least I realized it.

Now all I'm going to do is sit by his bedside, and wait.

I'm going to tell him I love him, and we are going to live happily ever after...

... I hope.



Pretty intense I guess hahaha so hi.

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<3 ily haha

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