Chapter 27

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*Olivia's POV*

-2 months later-

It's been two months since Cole came back and talked to me. We have been hanging out as much as we could- whether it be alone or with our friends.

Today we are at the hospital.

Why you may ask?

One month ago we found out that Coles' lung cancer was cureable, and it did cure, but it left a small tumor in its place.

He went into surgery to see if they could remove it. The doctors told all of us not to worry. He is in good hands and they should be able to take it out.

4 hours, 10 frappecinos and 5 books later, the surgery was done.

The doctor came out with a smile on his face, while he called for imidiate family to talk to. Since Coles parents are no longer with us, Drew and I talked to him.

"How is he?" Drew said, gripping onto the back of my shirt. He has been nervous and anxious ever since we got here.

"He's doing good. He is on antiboitics to help with the pain. He is still unconcious from the sleeping pills." The doctor replied, looking at Drew and then downcasting his eyes to me. "He also told me to not let anyone in because he doesnt like people staring at him while he is sleeping." We all laughed a little, and left it at that.

After he had waken up, the doctor let us in one at a time. Drew went first.

*Drews' POV*

I walked in with my hands shoved in my jean pockets. We didn't say a word until I sat down.

"Being in the hospital again sucks." Cole said, looking me in the eyes. I nodded shortly and looked around his room.

"Prison is more exciting then this dump." I commented and Cole chuckled. We sat in silence for a couple minutes.


"Drew, if anything happens-"

"Nothing is going to happen to you." I cut Cole off. My eyes were brimming with tears at the moment and I don't want him to say a word about anything bad happening.

I was currently sitting on his bed and playing with the blanket.

"Please just let me talk." Cole groaned and grabbed my shoulder. I nodded and he sighed. "I just wanted to say if anything happens to me, please be there for Olivia." He whispered. I looked into his eyes and could see the pain. He really loves her.

"I promise Cole." I said smiling softly.


"Well I'm glad everything went well with the surgery... I don't think I could live without you." I stated smiling sadly.

"I'm sure you could live without a friend." Cole said to me.

"I could live without a friend, yes, but I couldn't live without a best friend... A brother." My voice cracked at the end and I wiped the single tear that escaped my eyes.

Cole sat up and engulfed me in a hug and I sobbed into it shoulder.

"I've been crying a lot lately." I stated after I was done crying. I wiped my cheeks with my sleeve of my shirt and looked away.

"Everyone has been crying lately." Cole paused for a minute and sat up a little. "I mean, everyone needs to cry eventually."

"You're right." I said, nodding. "But I've always been the person to not cry. I've always been the person everyone thinks is perfect.. The person who everyone who is scared of." I whispered.

"No one is perfect, Drew. Everyone makes mistakes, you know. Everyone has their problems, everyone needs to cry at some point." Cole said.

"Thanks Cole." I said quietly. I got up and fixed my hair. "I guess I'll let your girlfriend have a turn." I emphasised girlfriend and wiggled my eyebrows. He chuckled but it sounded soft because it was obvious he was still hurting. I started to walk away but Coles last sentence made me stop in my tracks.

"I'll see you later Andrew." Cole whispered. I turned around and his eyes widened. He was waiting for me to explode at him but it never came.

"Cya bro." I said silently and turned back around. I heard him sigh.

*Olivia's POV*

Drew walked out and I was about to ask him how it went but he brushed right past me with tears falling down his cheeks.

I walked slowly into the room with my eyes focused on my shoes. I closed the door and turned around and sat in the chair.

"Hey." I heard his raspy voice and I looked up almost immediatley.

"Hey." I whispered.

His bright colored eyes were the first thing I noticed. His hair was still almost gone, but now it will grow back.

But all in all, he looked alive again.

He motioned for me to sit on the bed and I did. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you." He whispered into my shoulder. My eyes started to brim with tears.

"I missed you, too." I stated.

His grip tightened on me, like he was afraid I was going to be gone if he let go. He lifted his head up and smiled his small adorable smile.

"I love you Liv." His eyes were slightly red, like he had been crying moments before. Now, his eyes started too brim with tears again.

"I love you too, Cole." I smiled at him and we sat there for what seemed like hours.

Cole was released from the hospital hours after. We all stayed together that night, just talking and laughing, just like before Cole got cancer.

It was good to be back to normal.



See, I can be nice sometimes.. When I want to be!

(You can't kill me now, Anna!)

Well, since I let him live and everything it deserves to be voted the heck out of!

So, comment, vote and fan! I follow back!

Oh and by the way; last chapter next chapter. :'(

It's been a good time writing this book. It's the first I have written on here and look, it has over 2,000 reads! That's exciting, and I'm extremely thankful to every single one of my readers.

Thanks again.




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