Chapter 10

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*Olivia's POV*

My mind was filled with questions when I went to bed that night. But the main question floating on top:


I shook my head of the thoughts and walked to my car to head to school. Strapping on my seat belt, and turning up the radio, my fingers tapped along to the beat. Humming a long to some cheesy pop song, I arrive to school and hop out.

"Hi there!" A masculine voice said behind me.


"The one and the only!" He said, grinning.

"Uh, what do you want?"

"Well I just want to hang out with you! Is that too much to ask!?" He whined slightly.

I sighed and walked side by side with Dylan to my locker. He watched me as I unlocked the locker.

"Dylan, dude what are you doing?" Another masculine voice said behind me.

"Oh hey Alex, Alex's bimbo." Dylan greeted, to Alex and the blonde holding to his arm.

"Oh hey there Livvy!" Alex said, winking. I rolled my eyes, and Dylan stepped in front of me.

"Excuse me but I was here first mister!" Dylan said, tsking.

"Nah I was here first!" Carson cried, walking up to us. Dylan mumbles something under his breath and turned back to me.

"Uh... What do you guys even want?" I asked again, but to all of them.

"Oh nothing, we just want to hang with you!" Carson said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No seriously, why?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Because we wa-" they all started.

"B.S." I said, cutting them all off. "Tell me now."

"Because Cole wants us t-" Carson started but Dylan smacked a hand over his mouth.

"Cole wants you to what?" I said, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

"It doesn't matter. But hey, want to hang after school, you and me?" Dylan said, smiling genuinely.

"Oh sure!" I said, smiling back.

Carson whispered something in Dylan's ear, making Dylan elbow his stomach.

I rolled my eyes, and walked to class.


Ten minutes into class, Coles still not here. Where on Earth is he?

I just shrugged it off and kept taking notes.


I dropped all my books off at my locker and headed to the doors to leave school for the weekend. I felt my phone go off and fished for it through my bag.

"You. Me. Park. Now. xxDylan."

He's such a weirdo, I thought, laughing to myself. I replied saying ok and walked to the park.


"Hey." Dylan greeted, grinning.

"Hi." I said, returning his smile.

"Want to walk?" He asked, holding out his hand. I nodded and accepted his hand. We walked hand and hand to the end of the park where there was a coffee shop.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asked, glancing at me.

"Yes please!" I nodded eagerly. I love caffeine. Without caffeine, it's like a nightmare.

We walked into the coffee shop and the bell rang. I looked around the shop, curious if anyone we knew were here. I heard Dylan mumble something under his breath, just when I locked eyes with none other than Cole De Angeles. His smile he had on faded when he looked down at Dylan and I's hands, which happened to be intertwined. Cole looked back at Drew, who was sitting there, and Drew turned around, but he smiled.

"Uh hey guys." Dylan said, walking up to the two guys.

"Hey what are you two doing here?" Drew said. Cole was looking out the window, tapping his cup.

"Ah nothing, just walking." I said quietly.

"I see." Drew said, pointing to our hands. I then realized they were still together, but Dylan never undid our hands.

*Coles POV*

So they're together now?

Dylan likes her?

She likes him?

Not me?

It felt like a pang hit my chest.

I shouldn't care. It shouldn't hurt. But it does. It freaking does. They walked to get coffee and Drews smile faded and stared at me.

"Jealous, I take it?"

Only Drew knows. Only Drew will ever know.

"It hurts like a bitch." I replied honestly.

"Well it's her choice." Drew said casually.

"Do you think she likes him?" I said nervously.

"Honestly? I believe they look good together."

"Not helping."

"You didn't let me finish." He said, rolling his eyes. "But I don't think it would work."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." I said bitterly.


"We're back!" Dylan said, pulling out a chair for Olivia beside Drew, which she took.

All throughout the little conversation, I couldn't help but think the same thing.

If she wants him, she can, because she deserves to be happy, and I don't want her to get hurt.

Maybe I should listen to her brother.

Maybe I shouldn't hang out with her.

*Olivia's POV*

Dylan walked me to the door after the walk to school, to get my car.

I smiled up at him, which he returned.

"I had a lot of fun today." He said, smiling.

"I did too." I replied honestly.

He lifted up my hand gently, and kissed my hand gently.

"Have a nice night, love." He said, quietly, making a blush form on my cheeks. Love? As in the word love?

"Goodnight, Dylan, thanks for the walk and coffee." I said, still smiling.

When I drove off an image popped into my head, Cole at the coffee shop, looking out the window. He looked so out of it...



I got into bed that night, ready to fall into a amazing night of slumber, right before I fell asleep, my phone lit up.


You might be asleep, hell who wouldn't be at this time at night. I just wanted to tell you goodnight. And if you do decide to go out with Dylan, I wouldn't blame you, he's a great guy, you deserve so much.

You don't deserve me though.


x - Me."

Who's this? I tried to think of who would be thinking of themselves like that, and it never came to mind that night.

And I don't think it ever will.

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