Chapter 8

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*Olivias POV*

I walked into school in hopes of actually getting the concept of these subjects. For the past couple of weeks, my grade has been slipping quite lowly, but I have no clue why. I was doing so good!


Great! Just freakin fantastic!

I walked into the principals office slowly. I've never been in here before. I wiped my hands on my pants nervously and knocked twice. I heard a faint 'come in' and I proceeded to open the door.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Ah yes, the old 'sir' complement to be polite and innocent..

"Yes Ms. Martin. I have noticed your grades to slip for the past couple of weeks, so I have set up a tutoring session every day after school, except Friday, for someone to.. Er.. Help you in your time of needs." Mr. Ward said calmly.

Is this guy creepy, or is it just me?

The door opened slowly and closed.

"Mr. De Angeles! Meet your new tutoring student, Ms. Martin. Now back to class, the both of you!" He said, pointing towards the door.



How is this.. This.. Jerk, a tutor! I just can't believe it!

"Well well well, look who we have here! Struggling in classes I see!" Cole said, tsking.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards my locker, Grace skipping over to me.

"Hiya girlie!" She said, smiling. Her smile faded when she saw Cole leaning against the locker. He winked, and I rolled my eyes and shoved my things harder then needed into my locker.

"Easy there, killer!" Grace said, faking shock. I rolled my eyes again, shut my locker, and walked to lunch.


"So let me get this straight, Cole, as in the badass, hot, player, hot... Hot... Hot..." Grace trailed off.

"Yes, Grace. That fool is tutoring me! Why does life hate me!" I whine, placing my head in my hands, resting my elbows on the lunch table. She mumbles something I didn't hear, because the bell rang for next period. I groan and stand up, heading back to my locker. This is going to be a long day.


Finally! Schools over! I wanted to jump for joy, but considering I'm in school, I wouldn't want to be laughed at.

"Hey you're late to the library." A male voice said behind me, and I didn't have to turn around to know it was Cole.

"Ah crap, I forgot." I lied. I wasn't even going to go in the first place, guess I have to now.

We walked in silence side by side, until we sat down at a table in the library.

We have been sitting here for what seems like hours, and I have no clue what I'm doing.

"Do you get it now?" Cole said, frustration clear in is voice.

"No!" I mumble shaking my head.

"For gods sake.." Cole mutters, I glare at him but he just rolls his eyes.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I said, nervously. He has been avoiding me after the kiss, until now. He takes my comment by surprise and shuts his eyes and breaths deep.

"I'm not mad, I'm frustrated." He replies simply, getting up, picking up his things to leave.

"Then why are you frustrated?" I ask quietly, sounding like I asked myself.

"I'm frustrated at myself, ok? Now will you just drop it?" He snaps, making me jump. He strolls away and I'm left there, all my math work scattered about, clueless.


*Coles POV*


"For the tenth time! Break it up!" An oversized man, about in his late 30's said to me, and the jackass next to me.

"Where's Paige?" I said pressing further. Staring at Tyler, he looked unfazed by my words. My fist lifted up but stopped by my friend, Drew, held my fist.

"Just give it up, dude." Tyler said.

That Tyler Martin. I want to kill him. My eyes flood with anger as I kick him where the sun don't shine, and back off.

"Tell. Me. Where. My. Girlfriend. Is." I said, once again.

"I don't know." Tyler said, shrugging, while lighting a cigarette, "Bottom of the ocean? Some strip club in Vegas?" His eyes flash deviously. His grin even looks evil. "I don't know, D, I just don't know."

I should tell you what's happening. You see, Tyler Martin, is known for many things. Street fighting, drug dealing, he is the 'boss' of a bunch of gangs, and he can kill people in a wink of an eye.

He took Paige. My Paige. Paige York. My love. My life. My.. Everything.

"I hate you." I say, flipping him off.

"Tell me something I don't know." He replied, laughing and walking away with his group of guys that looked like they're in between 18 to 30 years old.

{[End if Flashback]}

Just the remembrance of that night makes me shudder. That Tyler Martin needs to be taken down.

He's not doing that to Olivia.



Olivia MARTIN.

Oh no. He couldn't do that to his own sister like he did to Paige, right?

He wouldn't kill his sister...




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