Chapter 5

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*Olivia's POV*


Groaning, I threw my hand onto my alarm clock, making it fall to the ground. I heard Tyler chuckle as he went passed my room, heading down the stairs.

I groaned once more while getting up. I am so not looking forward to school. I hopped in the shower, and like I do everyday, think.

Why is Cole such a jerk now? Well I know he's a bad boy and all, but why was he nice to me?

I shook my head and hopped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around me, heading back into my room. Making sure my curtains were shut, I looked for clothes and decided on a light blue tank top, and black jean shorts. Nodding in approval in the mirror, I headed downstairs to hear my mom rambling to Tyler about god knows what.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the island with my dimwitted brother.

"I'm taking you to school today." Tyler said glancing at me slightly.

"Mmmmkay." I said while eating my cereal.

We headed out the door ten minutes later and hopped into his black truck. I looked out the window while listening to the radio. Then Tyler being Tyler, decided to start singing.


"Tylerrrr stop."

"Why? You know I'm going to be the next American Idol." He stated grinning.

God get me out of this truck.


When we got to school, I nearly fell out of the truck and sprinted to the school doors, only to be grabbed by the waist.

"Where are you going?" He asked, whispering in my ear. Well where else would I be going asshole?

"Jeez, that's harsh." he said. Did I just say that out loud?!

"Um can you.. Er.. Let go of me." I whined.

He chuckled silently. "Nope." he said, popping the "p."

I rolled my eyes. What a douche.

"Alex, let go of the girl." Another guy said behind us. Wait... The Alex? I craned my neck and saw him. Yup, it just had to be the Alex...

"I just wanted to have some fun Drew calm down." He said, breathing down my neck making me shiver.

"Come on Alex. That's Coles girl." Drew said.

"I am not 'Coles girl.'" I said, crossing my arms. "And can you let go of me?" he released me and I was about to run when the deep voice cut me from doing so.

"I still want to talk to you." Alex said behind me.


"Why are you talking to her!?" Another, deep voice cut me off. I turned my head to see Carson. So there all here? Where is-

"Coles going to kill you if you even touch her!!" Dylan said, walking up to us.

So the whole crews here. Just dandy.

*Coles POV*

-Meet us at the school parking lot in 5-

I looked at my phone as I sat in class. Why did they want to talk to me? I didn't do anything, did I?

"Mr. De Angeles! If staring at your crotch is more fun then my class, then get out!" My teacher said angrily. I just shrugged and walked out. Hearing him yell "Detention!" behind me. I chuckled and walking into the parking lot to see them huddling around something... Or someone? Is that a girl? What the hell are they doing?

As I walked closer I could see the face more clearly.


What are they doing with her?

I walked up to them my anger rising.

"What the HELL is going on here?" I said between clenched teeth, making Olivia step back into Alex, who wrapped an arm around her waist. I pushed by the rest of the boys and pushed Alex off of Olivia, making him fall onto a car.

"Don't you dare touch her." I said, glaring at Alex, who's wide eyed and grinning.

I grabbed Olivia's hand and walked off, ignoring the sparks flying through me at the touch.

I turned around and stared at her.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I said seriously.

"I'm fine. They didn't do anything to me." she said shrugging.

Damn was she beautiful.

"I'm sorry about them. Especially Alex. He shouldn't of done that." I said glaring back at the boys who were walking towards us. She nodded and started to walk away.

"Wait!" I called behind her. She turned around and gave me a questioning look.

"Do you want to stay with us?" I said, mentally slapping myself for being so stupid, of course she would say n-

"Sure." She said, smiling a little, showing her perfect white teeth.

Wait what did I just do?

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone beeping.

-Coles got a crush!-

I glared at Carson who was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and texted back.

-If you tell anyone I will kill you in your sleep.-

-Too late.-

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