Chapter 12

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*Olivia's POV*

As I walked to my car I turned around, seeing Cole yell at Dylan.

Do I like Dylan?

I don't know.

I sighed and got in my car, turning it on. I heard the engine roar to life, and then I was off.

I drove down my street and watched all the kids playing together in one of the backyards. I smiled and drove my car into the driveway and shut the engine off. Hopping out, I locked the car once I shut the door, then walked to the front door. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"So Dylan now?" I heard my brother say. I rolled my eyes and dropped my keys on the table by the door.

"It's nothing." I replied simply. I walked into the kitchen and to the fridge, to grab myself and water. I grabbed it them turned around, facing Tyler.

"He seems to like you." He stated, matter-of-factly.

"I don't know, I don't even know if I like him." I replied, rolling my eyes. He grabbed my water and put it down.

"Look, Liv, you know that we fight a lot, but your my sister, it's my duty to tell you the truth and be honest. I care about you a lot, and knowing you are hanging around with Cole and his crew, I don't feel comfortable with it. You might get hurt. You don't know them, and they don't know you. Just please, do me a favor, just stay away from them." He said, sadness and concern across his face. I frowned and shook my head.

"They're my friends! You can't tell me who to hang out with!" I said, laughing quietly.

"Liv it's just-" he started. I put my hand up in front of him to stop him.

"It's nothing, I can take care of my self Ty." I said. "I'm a big girl. I'm 17 years old, I think I'm responsible enough to make my own actions." I stated, about to walk away.

"Olivia." He said. He never says my full name unless he's angry. I turned around to face him, giving him eye contact, and a emotionless face.

"They are bad. If they were real friends they would tell you about themselves." He said coldly.

"But-" I tried.

"About their real selves. They are all hiding stuff from you, and you just don't want to admit it, but I'm right. Just please, stay away from them." He said, walking away with my water.

Should I trust my brother? Are they all lying to me?

Are they really, as cliche as it sounds, bad boys?

*Cole's POV*

'Hang out today?' I texted Drew. He texted back almost immediately.

'Ok. We have stuff to talk about.' He texted back. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and replied. We are meeting at Starbucks at 2pm. I looked at the clock.


I decided to walk. I grabbed my coat and walked out the front door. I looked at Olivia's house and noticed Tyler in the window. I walked a little slower to hear him yelling at someone.

"They are bad. If they were real friends they would tell you about themselves." He said. I scrunched my eyebrows and ran so I was under the window by them.

After their conversation, I realized they were talking about me, Dylan, Carson, Drew, and Alex.

'Damn it Martin.' I mumble, realizing what he just told his younger sister, and I bet she will ask. Knowing her, she will want to know.

That Boy's Bad.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang