Chapter Forty Nine(Permanent)

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That night I was taken to Nick's pack house and I barely made it,or so everyone told me. I sometimes wonder to myself if I wanted to make it, cause in that week I took recover I had so many scenariose in my mind on how I'd explain to Jerry what happened. When I finally got out and tried to confront him,he would not even look at me.

I didn't betray him but to him it must have looked like that to him. I've tried several time so far, several times I've been shot down and fourteen times my heart had been broken.

I don't want to admit it and I don't want to remember it, but I did betray him. I allowed myself to be put into that position.

On graduation day, I stood before everyone smiling, happy, that's how it looked to everyone. To Joanna and everyone who knew, I was smiling to keep the tears from raining down my face. After the ceremony I went up to my mother and I saw Naomi looking at me over my mother's shoulder. She wasn't looking at me with anger, she looked at me with pity. Anna was standing next to her and had an identical look etched onto her face.

I couldn't handle those looks that day and I still can't handle it now. It still hurts so much.

A day after graduation I told my mother I wanted to take a year off before I went to college. I needed time to clear my head and shed my childish skin, that's what I said to her. While she remained in the dark I told my sisters the real reason I wanted to leave.

When I pitched the idea go Mom she agreed and said it would be good for me to get away from this drab place. I told her I wanted to go Gran's place for a month. Just to get away from the city life.

She also agreed to that and I started preparing.

Now I stand with my mother in the airport waiting for Joanna who wanted to see me. I was very reluctant to see her as I'm worried she'll convince me to not go, rather to try and talk to Jerry again and resolve this. There's no point anymore. He's given up on me. There's no hope left for me.

Someone calls out my name and I turn in the direction of the scream. Joanna and everyone is walking towards us. Even Jerry.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he's willing to try again. When they near me, Nick gives me the eyes asking if I'm okay. I nod and make a leave it gesture. All is silent until Joanna pushes everyone away, leaving me and Jerry alone.

I don't know what to say. My palms are sweating and the suitcase in my hands begins slipping down.

"How are you?" I gingerly ask and look down at the floor. I'm not ready to look into his eyes just yet.

"Oh I've been fantastic. Just been bounding with joy at the fact that my girlfriend cheated on me. I love that. "
The sarcasm tears at my heart. He's doing it to spite me and make me feel worse. Doesn't he see that I'm already in this broken state? 

"Look I know you're upset,"I sigh and look up at him, tears starting to stream out of my eyes. "But eventually I'll be back and I want us to try and tall about it. I want us to-" Jerry grabs my hand before I can caress his face. He's gripping onto my arm so tight I'm wortird he'll snap it in half.

"You don't get to cry and pretend you're the victim. You cheated on me. You broke us and you broke...whatever could have happened in the future. I'm done and I have no reason to fix what you broke. Sarah Xavier, you mean nothing to me. I have no reason to waste my time on you anymore. "

He shoves my hand in my face and I flinch away from him. I never thought that was what was on his mind all this time. I look down at the floor again , my tears were falling down heavily onto the tiled floor.

"I understand. I'm sorry that you had to put up with me. Goodbye, Jerry Sprinton." I turn around and sprint away. When Joanna calls me back I don't turn back. I just need to get away.

I need to be alone.

I go through the terminal and board the plane. I sit down and keep my bags between my legs.

For the first time since the incident I feel so empty.


When she starts running away I hear Anna's voice calling me. "Big brother." She stops and slumps down, breathing heavily in and out. When she catches her breath she hands me a bouquet of red and white roses.

"Give Sarah...when you...see her." Anna says in between breaths. If only she knew. She thinks me and Sarah are simply not together anymore.

"She's gone." Anna's eyes widen and she drops the roses onto the floor. The roses crumple when they hit the floor,the rose petals lay strewn out on the floor.

"Why didn't you tell her to wait. I told you I wanted to-" "You don't understand, Anna, " I yell out at her and she moves away from me. "We aren't together anymore. I have no reason to have her in my life and neither do you."

Anna stands up straight and looks dead in my eyes, "No, you're the one that doesn't understand. Toryn told Mr what happened. Big brother I've always looked up to you. You were always with these cool people,with these pretty girlfriends and always finding time for me. Out of all of your girlfriends none of them ever tried my cooking or talked to me. Sarah did. She's not like all the other girls you've dated, I liked her because she was different."

Anna curled into her little herself and looked down at the floor. "You should know when she's telling the truth. So why can't you? I believe her. Why can't you?"

Anna looked at me one last time and walked away. That was the saddest and most pitying look on my young sister's face. I turned around to see Joanna and the rest watching in shock as the plane took to the air and took Sarah with it.

I feel guilty. Goodbye, Sarah. I walk away to the exit and leave.

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