Chapter Forty Three(Sick Succubus)

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Sarah's POV
"Sarah? Sarah, can you hear me? "

A voice?

"Talk to me. Open your eyes." A boy's voice? Someone I know maybe? I pry my eyes open slightly—just enough to take in the person—and look at the person yelling at me. He had brown haired, though it looked gray, there was ash all around him. His face looked sunken and burnt. His eyes were inhuman. Lifeless, empty, a black hole from which there was no escape.

The boy helped me sit up and slung my arm over his shoulder. As I tried to move, I realised why he was calling me.

My legs were broken.

There was blood oozing out of the saved parts, the rest was burnt to a crisp, I couldn't even identify if these were really my legs. I tried flapping my wings, just to save him the trouble of having to carry me, but they were not responding to my mind. I couldn't feel that they were burnt, could they be broken? I craned my neck and looked at my wings. Except where my beautiful red wings had been there was now bone sticking out of my back. The remnants of wings. My wings had been torn off.

"Where am I?" I weakly mumbled to the boy. He seemed intent on one thing:get out of here. He wasn't listening. His eyes shone with determination and death.

Whatever had occurred, the boy looked haunted, terrified. Of what? 

"Where am I?" I squeezed his shoulder to get his attention. The boy looked at me. Before responding, or I assume so, he settled me down near a broken and burnt building. I winced slightly when my burnt legs felt the concrete.

The boy looked around him before settling down next to me.  "We're in the city. Or what's left of it. "
"Which city?"
"Somewhere near Los Angeles. You wouldn't recognise it. The Golden Gate bridge has been toppled and is burning, even beneath the water it fell in."

I'm so confused. What am I doing near LA and how did I get here? I was in a club with Joanna and...

Joanna and the others?!

Forcing myself up, and hurting myself even more when my back rubbed against the charred building, I hunch over and ask,"Where's Joanna and the others. They were with me."

The boy looked at me dejectedly. He looked like he hasn't been expecting me to ask that. Or I wasn't suppose to ask that.

"Sarah...they're–they were killed in the fight. Everyone was. We-we're the only ones still alive."

This is not true. It's a lie. He's lying to you. You were with them in the club not five minutes ago. I gripped the sides of my face and sunk down to the floor. It wasn't true...

It can't be true.

The boy moved towards me and shook my shoulders all the while shouting the same line,"You can save them. You can escape this fate. Change it and do what needs to be done. Wake up."

Wake up?

"Wake up, Sarah."

Wake up?



I lurched forward and breathed deeply in and out. Trying to find a way to push out what I had just dreamed.

They were killed...

I was...

Forcing the cold feeling out of my body, I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair and layed back down. I inhaled the scent of the pillow and turned my head to the side, I absent mindedly looked around the room.

Succubus' Fun(Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें