Chapter Forty Seven(Before It)

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Twas an hour before homecoming and all the girls fret. For as they do their make up it would appear Sarah has broken her glove fishnets.

Joanna was stressed, Tara was worried, Nina just dressed, and Sarah amongst all was feeling quite horny.

Actually I don't really have fishnet gloves,it was just the only thing that I thought rhymed with that.

The girls aren't worrying at all,they're just rushing to finish themselves off.

While they do that, the Scarlet Queen is sitting like a royal on a silk sheet bed. Now that is what I call honesty. Try it.

"Yes, Joanna?" I look up from my diary and look at Joanna. "Could you stop writing and come here?" I blow air into the place where my hair would be and get up.

The we girls agreed to meet at Nina's house and get ready for tonight. You're probably confused right? Over the week Nina started hanging out with us more and is now closer to us than before. She even confided in us her past crushes on the boys. Suffice to say, even Joanna can tell that Nina has changed herself for the better. She doesn't hang out with the nosy jocks, she opts instead to chill with us on the field, she doesn't hang around the spoilt cheerleaders,she chooses to be with me and the girls, and the best part she told us she's giving up guys. She hasn't made any advances on any guys but has been trying with me.

I'd take her up on her offer if I wasn't already hooked on my boyfriend. In all honesty, I don't think I'd choose her even if I wasn't with Jerry. She deserves someone better, and I know her perfect partner is waiting out there for her. Enough of that now. Main focus,the arrival of homecoming.

Our parents , and the parent of our dates, are waiting outside in the garden,filled with lanterns( I know this because I peeked out the window a few times)as well as our dates . We're all getting ready for the night ahead and I must say we all look marvellous.

Nina's inky hair is tied into a messy bun with two curled mini-ponytails of hair hanging on either sides of her face. Joanna's hair is loose and falling in natural curls against her shoulders. Tara's hair is wild and vibrant, she chose to also have loose hair but in a messy style. Despite the messy state it still looks good.

Me? After taking a shower, I braided my hair for the natural wavy look and I let it dry. Now that it is dry, Joanna is undoing the braids and tying the scarlet waves in a ponytail. Compared to everyone I look so simple. I love it.

Joanna had us all divide the work to get done. While Nina did the nails,Joanna and Tara would do my make up. Then me and Nina would do Tara and Joanna's make up. Nina's make up would be the last one done.

Once we were all finished we take one look in the mirror. Everyone looks so beautiful and outstanding. They shouldn't be attending an ordinary prom. Joann turns to all of us and says, "This is the night before our lives begin. It's the night we shed our young skin and begin taking the roles of adults. Ladies congradulations, we made it."

We all move in and hug each other. As unappealing as the idea of shedding skin sounds, I do like the idea of growing up with these ladies. We've gone through a lot. I remember the first day, I was terrified of what would happen. Then I met Toryn and everything's just gone down from there. I've made so many friends, I have so many memories, I've been through so much yet I stand with these astounding ladies and I feel as strong as a werewolf.

We all break away from the hug and one-by-one we go downstairs to join our partners and be met with oohs and ahhs. The sound of cameras clicking also add to the mix of sounds.

I watch as Nina goes down, then Tara, Joanna and finally it's just me. Somehow I always end up last but I still get where I need to be. Everything's been a blast and I'm glad I was able to take this journey with you. Really thank you. Whoever is reading this, this adventure has been made possible with your help and encouragement.

For a brief second I stand still, gathering my courage, I walk down the stairs and I see everyone. All the couples are standing in formation waiting for me. Toryn and Nina, Tara and Nick, Joanna and Edward, Hyde and my annoying older sister, and then there stands Jerry. He's talking to a man who has his back turned to me.

The man turns around and I see my father. He actually showed up. He showed up when I needed him.

I hesitantly walk up to him until I stand before him. His eyes, similar to mine, are shining with pride. This is the first time he's been at one of my big events, I imagine he's a little emotional.

I bring my hand up and cup the right side of his face, then somehow I'm pulled into a hug. We don't say anything. He holds me close, worried that if he let go he'd lose me forever.

" Mi niña. Ella está crecido y
listo para entrar en el mundo de los adultos."
(My little girl. She's all grown up and ready to go into the world of adults.)

Dad pulls away from me and brings his hands up to pull my face closer to his. I can't feel the tears threatening to ruin my make up. I inhale and look into his eyes.

" No puedo creer... Me alegro de que esté aquí."
(I can't believe... I'm glad you're here.) Since we were speaking Spanish no one could understand what we were saying. So despite standing before everyone it seemed like we were alone.
It felt strangely nice. Being before everyone but no one hears it.

Dad kisses the top of my head and whispers, " Me prometí a mí mismo me
gustaría hacer mi mejor
esfuerzo para ser parte de tu
vida, de mi corazón."
(I promised myself I'd do my best to be a part of your life.)

The final part, mi  corazón, in english it means my heart. I smile to myself. I think I'm finally ready to let him try and be a part of my life. Dad hands my hand over to Jerry and I'm pulled into a quick kiss. "You look beautiful,"Jerry whispers against my ear,and moves us over to the other couples. Everyone is smiling at our little display and I feel a little flushed.

Anna is standing in front of her mother ,taking picture after picture. We took endless amounts of photos, most of which I made silly faces in and was reprimanded for over and over again, when we were ready to leave, we had twenty minutes left. We got into the sleek ,black limousine and off we were.

Jerry and I kept as close to each other as we could get. After nearly four weeks away from him I have the right to be greedy for his touch. I bring his lips down mine and kiss him,slowly,lovingly. I'm told to stop kissing, by Joanna, and told that I'd need a touch of lip gloss before we got out. I didn't care. I continued kissing him until his lips were red as mine.

Tonight is the ending of many things. It is the end of our childhood, it is the end of highschool and finally it's the end of the succubi season. I have much to be thankful for. I look to Jerry and I smile. I am highly grateful for him and then above all.  I look around the limo and everyone's smiling and excited. It truly is a beautiful night. The crescent moon glowed brightly down on me. It felt like a sign of joy.

Later I find out that the moon shining down on me, it was someone up there trying to warn me away from this. I was a naive, stupid, ignorant little child.

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