Chapter Thirteen (Unexpected Arrival)

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A/N Above is the dresses that our three ladies shall be wearing. Nina shall wear the short black dress, Joannna the pink one and Sarah the red one. Added items to their costumes Joanna shall wear the mask with the feather and Sarah the simple white one. Hope you like.

Sarah's POV
"Why did I let you talk me into this again?" I ask Joanna for the tenth time tonight.

"As I've told you ten times already I've done this because you need to look pretty for Jerry. And because I did warn you I would doll you up either way." Edward was driving us to our destination while Joanna applied eyeliner to my eyes. "We're in a moving car can you not?" She huffs her disapproval before going to the other eye. 

"If you and Jerry hadn't insisted on making out during my make up time I wouldn't have to redo it." Probably but because I got to have Jerry to myself- even during Joanna's time - I don't regret a moment or kiss. "We're almost there ladies. Shall I slow down to give you more time, Joanna?"

"No need Baby Boy I'm finished with my master piece. Everything's waterproof so you can drink to your heart's content and kiss whichever boy you desire." Joanna leaned back and made a 'camera' with her hands. She sighed in content as she kept looking at me. "Why can't I do this to you every day?"
"'Cause if you did this everyday I'd probably be insane by now. Besides I can't look as gorgeous as you." Her brown eyes were made much more appealing with her eyeliner,the mascara lengthened her eyelashes but not overly so, her  eyeshadow was a combination of silver and pink, her lips made more succulent and soft looking with the pink lip gloss she had on, Her The cheeks now had a pinkish glow  and finally her dress a gorgeous pale pink topped off the goddess look. "You look utterly spectacular, Mistress Joanna."

Despite the dim lighting coming from the streetlamps I see a faint glow of a blush creep into her cheeks. "You too , Sarah Xavier." Her eyes are filled with awe and love as she looks at me.

"Ahem ladies?" Edward breaks our moment of adoration as he announces his presence. "Yes Baby Boy?" Joanna asks him without breaking eye contact as she keeps looking at me with her love filled eyes. "We're here, Mistress Joanna."

She finally breaks eye contact  and looks out the window at the approaching house. Multicoloured lights jump out of the house and the front yard seems filled with cars. This is so overwhelming. Just seeing this small piece of party life has my heart racing. I can't do this. Turn around. Take me back. "Joanna..."

She turns her head to look at me and sees my eyes filled with fear. Her hand gently cradles mine and her warmth flows into me. "Sarah, it's going to be okay. You look amazing and we can spend ten minutes in here. If you're still nervous after that we can leave and not see anybody until Monday. How does that sound to you?"

She laces her fingers into mine and I'm instantly reminded of the first day we met.

I was walking through the hallway. Well more crawling down the hallway. I'd lost my glasses that morning and couldn't find my spares either. Today promised to be a terrible first day, especially considering I was a new freshman. "Excuse me are you okay?" An angel's melody filled my ears and I looked up at a bleary form. It was a girl, that was all I was able to interpret clearly. "Oh dear. Are you okay, do you need help?" Without waiting for a reply the angel bent down and pulled me up with her. I stumbled slightly at being back on my feet but she steadied me and held me still till I stood by myself. "Let's take you to the nurse's office okay?" Her melodic voice said and her laugh followed. It was so sweet and gentle yet it was laced with strength. I couldn't see her clearly and I had no idea if I was being lead to where she said I was going. All I knew was I felt safe and like I could trust her despite not knowing her or what she looked like. "Okay..." I hesitantly replied to her as she laced her fingers in mine. She had a small hand, that I could feel,  so she was possibly a freshman like me. "Oh by the way my name is Joanna Arc."

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