Chapter Thirty Four ( I hate you )

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Just two more days left of holiday and I would be going home, home to my family, friends and more importantly my Jerry. Over the last four days since Monday I've come to hate Alec even more. He takes his ' job ' too seriously . He hovers around me, attempts to come into my room, though I obviously haven't let him in since the incident, and last but most definitely not least he kept throwing sexual hints my way, making it difficult for me to be oblivious to his original purpose. I needed some time to myself, and Grandmother's constant inviting people over was not helpful either.

At the end of most of the days I ended up riding Serena out to our special spot, even that wasn't enough to calm me. I even tried calling Joanna for advice or some help but she was just beyond astounded my grandma thought ahead for once. Also does anyone remember my hanging up on my boyfriend? Well just between you and me, he is still looking for the reason as to why I hung up on him. Every time he brings it up I direct the conversation another way. Unfortunately you can't always keep the truth away - that is one thing that never works in my favour - so when I got home I'd have no choice but to tell him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Even if that truth makes me want to hide away in embarrassment and puke up blood.

Wait that doesn't make any sense does it?

Aaaaggghhhh, I was in a big mess and for once I wasn't the initial cause of it. At least I assume I wasn't the initial cause. Also do you want to hear one of my biggest problems? I haven't fed in three days and I'm starting to feel cranky and malnourished, succubi feed of sexual energy and although Alec has an abundance of it but I refuse to take even a taste of his energy. It would make me feel filthy. And not to mention I don't know if he is the kind of person to have that bitter and non-filling energy or the delicious and satisfying energy, am I the only one leaning towards the bitter one? Or is it only because I dislike him? Whatever, his essence doesn't concern me because he will never ever be considered and option. If the world was coming to an end and the only way to save all humanity was through Alec's essence, I would rather all humanity died and they can sue me in hell. Sorry am I making my dislike of Alec too obvious? It's just that I dislike him so much.

So here I am, sitting alone, for the first time since I got here, just relaxing and reading a book. If you'd like to know I'm reading the first Maximum Ride book, 'The Angel Experiment'. Sure James Patterson doesn't know that angels actually exist, although they mostly remain all high and mighty in wonderful heaven, his writing and looking at the creation of angels due to science is beyond extraordinary. The only thing ruining my moment was that the Eraser, Ari, reminds me a lot of Alec. Except Alec is human and Ari is a science created wolf.

"Hey, Princess," Fuck me. I hate the when - you -think - of - the - devil- he - shall- appear rule, "I was wondering if you want to take a quick drive down to the village? Maybe get some ice-cream or something?" Curse males and their knowing of female weakness. Give me the strength to reject my weakness. "Maybe we can even go get some brunch?" I will not give in. I will remain strong...
I will...
I will...

"What kind of ice-cream? " He smirked knowingly, most likely he knew I wouldn't be able to resist. "Any kind you want , Princess, I'll even pay for it if you come along."

I pray that I am not going to regret this.


I should have known prayer wouldn't get me anywhere. I mean I'm not even a religious person . He's done nothing but just sit there silently and drive , if that's not enough to drive someone crazy, I've even attempted starting a conversation all he does is sit there. Here I was,sitting, basically minding my own business, just staring absentmindedly out the window. Am I the only person who's ever found the, very fast, passing by trees interesting?

"It's a small world after all. Uh nuh nuh nuh nuh. It's a small world after all. It's a small-small world... "
"You have a beautiful voice." Okay wait, back up, how did he hear me if that was barely above a whisper? I think I'm starting to become more than a little scared. "Thanks..."
We sat in that same silence for a while longer, the oh so unbelievably annoying silence, then we stopped.

We stopped outside some sort of building. The building was face brick - I'm not sure what design. It was old, I could tell that by the crumbling structure and old graffiti on the outside. Overall the only things giving off a creepy death vibe was that there was a black curtain hanging, it was hanging on the outside, fluttering happily in the breeze, looking as if not so long ago someone had been thrown through the window

What is going on? Alec got out of the car and gestured for me to follow him. Am I the only one feeling I'm -about - to - kill - you vibes?

"Come on, Princess, I'll protecr you. " Not feeling very protected, I get out of the car oh so slowly, taking my time in the event I needed to run. Because I cannot be the only one sensing danger.

When I stood by Alec's side he pulled me close to him and whispered something in my ear, things which I dare not mention to you. "Come on, Princess, just this once do what I ask and I'll never ask you to do anything again. "

I think that was the day Alec hit my least-favoured people list. I'd like to tell you what happened in that building, but if I did the anticipation wouldn't get to you.

A/N I'm so sorry for the crap chapter, I know it's a filler and I'm ashamed of myself but please forgive me, I don't want to take everything into a fast pace. The next chapter will be better.

Once again I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!


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