Chapter Six (Home)

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Sarah's POV
After my mom arrived in the secretary's office she saw the puffy eyes and my bitten to bleeding lips and only thanked the secretaries kindly and we were off. Halfway to home she asked,"So you want to tell me what's wrong?" Looking at her was difficult - and it was not because I did not have my glasses - because she was the definition of sex on legs. The glossy red hair I have was increased ten fold on her. My baggy pants and shorts would have looked skintight because of how thick she was. Thick thighs, big rear and lusciously large breasts. Her eyes though I didn't inherit that she had grass green eyes whereas - like a certain someone - I had inherited my grandmother's sky blue eyes. Tell her. You were humiliated, rejected in the worst way, hurt physically and emotionally. Tell her! Say it! Speak! "No nothings wrong. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? 'Cause your eyes say something completely different to your lips." Her beautiful eyes looked worry filled at me. Worried for me and what I was leaving pent up inside. "No ,Mom, really I'm fine I just... just sort of tripped and hit myself really hard." Sensing the obvious lie she questions further. "If all that happened was an accident why didn't you tell me over the phone?" Obvious answer. "Because it's humiliating and embarrassing."
"Okay then why didn't you just tell your teacher you hurt yourself instead of feigning illness?"
"See previous answer." Fed up with my answers my mom gives me a harsh glare that normally had my insides melt in fear but right now I was too broken to even bother. "I'm really not in the mood for this please let's just go home."

Wanting more information than what I had given her my mom gives a long fed up sigh before speeding up. "Okay to calm things down , I have a few more hours before I have to go back to work. Do you maybe want to have a little girl time?" Sounds fuuuunn. Not. "Are Fantasia and Emilia included in this girl time?" Fantasia is my older sister. Only by a year but that seems to make all the difference to her. She skipped college to work in the family business which she did quite well , I was envious of her but I didn't want to have to go into the family business because I was forced to. But forced or not I am probably going into it. Every fibre of my being goes into the business. That's what makes it awful I have no choice but to go into it.

Emilia is my younger sister. Like Fantasia and I there's only a year difference between us. She's in high school , my high school, but she went into the high school and practically owned it in a day. I'd heard the gossip in between classes of another luscious redhead with a 'gorgeous' smile. Please they were probably staring at her titters the whole time. When we walk together on the street people mistake the three of us for triplets because we have the same shape and hair. It's until they see our eyes - and we tell them - that they can see major differences. Fantasia and Emilia don't wear glasses whereas I do, Fantasia has mom's exquisite grass green eyes , I have grandma's sky blue eyes and Emilia was blessed with dad's multicoloured eyes. Her eye colour can change with the weather or her mood. Some days it's scary other days it's pretty. Back to my question.

"No Fantasia is at work although she did press to come with when she heard that something was wrong with you. Emilia still at school where you were suppose to be."
"Actually Emilia is back here." Emilia popped out of thin air as she usually did when drama happened. "Jesus Emilia!" Mom all but gripped the steering wheel when Emilia appeared. "Mom!" Gripping the wheel so we didn't crash into something I drove it steady until she had regained her mind. "How long have you been back there?" Mom sends her a fierce glare which Emilia would shrivel under if she wasn't laughing her head off. "She's been back there the whole time how did you not notice?"

"How could I notice I was speaking to you."
"Which makes it easier for her to sneak up. And you guys wonder why I chose to go camping with gramps each winter." My best memories there were learning that being in a really silent place you have to listen for the slightest sound. It makes a simple sound seem amplified in that sense. "So mom you said something about spending some girl time?" Emilia finally stopped cackling like a witch so she could be included in our would have been plans. "Yes Emilia. Sarah and I were just-"
"Correction you were just making plans I wanted and still want to go home."
"Jeez what happened to you?" She had been in the cafeteria when the 'accident' happened so I could only give her a duh look so that the semblance of a brain could start working. "Oh."
"Yeah oh Queen Forgetful."

Silence consumed us once more as we entered our driveway and pulled into the garage. Home sweet home. Our house looked exactly like any ordinary house on the outside. Beautiful lawn, pool visible in the back yard, peach exterior walls and a few balconies. It's what's inside that I'll spare you the detail of. "You sure you're not going to join us? You can always come with you know?" Mom attempted attempted to sway my decision and silently force me into going with them. "Nah it's cool. I'm just gonna take a hot bath and crawl into bed till tomorrow decides to reveal it's ugly head."
"Okay. We'll see you later."
"Party pooper!" Emilia pulled a childish face at me as they drove out of the driveway and finally left me alone to the thoughts swirling in my mind. And by thoughts I mean all I could think of was Toryn. His gorgeous smiling face, his twinkling oceanic blue eyes his guilty face when he...
"Rosa are you here?" I screeched the most common words as I entered the house. I was greeted with the sound of silence. She must have her day off today. Thank gosh for you and me both Rosa. Dropping my heavy bag at the door I drag myself up the stairs to the bathroom. At a normal walk it would take 5 minutes at my pace though I dragged it out to 15 minutes. I'm so exhausted what did I do today that drained my batteries?

Finally in the safety of the bathroom I peel away the ruined baggy shirt and the rest of the lie I cover myself in. Bringing my hand up to my face to remove my glasses my heart skips a few beats when I feel nothing. Where are they? Where? Where? Where? Like a bucket of cold water splashed on me I remember. My glasses were crushed in Nina's attempt to humiliate me. If she thinks destroying my glasses is creative she better up her game. Worse has been done to me. So much worse...

Putting the plug in place I turn on the shower to wash away the feeling of rejection and hurt as I had been doing the past my life. It was easier to hide myself than to show people that they got to me but today my head wasn't in the right place knowing that Toryn had been the one to do that to me. What do you know about him you just met him for cross sake? What did I know about hi besides his dazzling smile? His twinkling eyes? Not to mention the good heart he hid beneath a bad boy exterior? Stop thinking about him he doesn't matter. But I can't help it he's so unforgettable. My hair still in it's ponytail was soaking wet and clinging to my skin in an almost annoying fashion. If I didn't love it I would have probably done a stupid thing and cut it like both Emilia and Fantasia had both done. Steam invading my lungs making it almost difficult to breath was so fun and it got my mind of Toryn as the lightheaded feeling sank in. This feeling was what I needed what I craved, what I thrived on. Being able to lose yourself in time because of a single act it was almost as exhilarating as reading about copulation. I just stood under the shower head the entire time. Letting the tiny water missiles attack my skin and soothe it in the process. After the hot water ran out I turned the shower off and sat in the remnants of hot water caught in the bath. So much for just bathing.

Turning around so I was laying on my stomach in the water I arch my back and relax in the warm embrace. Why can't I fall asleep in the bath and die like a normal person? Just staying above water for a while my thoughts drift over to simpler things. I wonder what I'm gonna do this weekend. I'm sure Tiffany's turning 21 Saturday. Isn't Fantasia invited to that party? Simple thoughts for a while just letting my mind drift and allowing random thoughts in. After all the thoughts the cold water starts wrapping around me like being thrown in the face with an ice tray. Well time to get out. Wrapping a towel around myself I pull the plug and pad around the house barefoot and only covered by a towel. It would have been a wonderful image if I didn't have a bitten lip but that'll pass. Not bothering with supper or any sustenance I do as I told my mother I'd do. I crawl into my bed , after towel drying my hair to a red bush and putting on red fluffy pajamas. Toryn why? Is the last conscience thought I have until I shut down.

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