Chapter Nine (Unsure)

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Toryn's POV
When they walked into class I got a weird vibe coming off them. The girl was utterly gorgeous and i instantly imagined her beneath me screaming until I glanced back and saw Sarah's chocked expression. She was looking straight at the girl and she seemed in battle with herself. The guy looked okay and he was looking at Sarah. Jealousy overcame me for some reason. It frustrated me that he was looking at Sarah like he knew her despite being new.

The teacher announced the new students and they walked past me and my friends to sit next to Sarah. The girl asks Richard to move and he gets an eager puppy look as he gets up and sits at the back. The boy asks Henna to sit there and her response is the same as Richard's. The boy is looking at her intensely, desperate to get her attention. "Hey Sarah." Sarah cringes when the girl says her name. She knows her? The buzz of talking is the only thing to be heard. The boys are all talking about the girl and the girls all about the boy. I'm getting a sense of deja vú.

Jerry notices my stunned silence and pokes my arm, "Dude you okay?" Hyde follows Jerry's example and starts trying to talk to me. "Toryn relax I'm sure it's just coincidental." It could be coincidence it could be planned for all I know all I do know is that I'm pissed. At her or at them I don't know all that matters is I am. Sarah looks at me with her eyes pleading yet for some reason I can't find anything to say to her or my friends.

After the bell rang Sarah dragged the girl out of class and the boy followed. It took all of my self control to not follow her and just punch the living daylights out of the guy looking at the response the girls gave him urked me. Just go to class,Bud, go to class. Turning away like I didn't see her wall with him- her - whatever was a difficult thing.

They entered class late and she looked flushed almost as red as her hair. Joanna strode into the class looking just as red but pulled off looking cute. Damn she's gorgeous. Edward walked in after Joanna and looked at Sarah once more before going to the back. "Okay two more new students." Mr Nye announced himself and looked between Joanna and Edward. Put them together, put them together, put them together. "Seeing as you are both new I would usually pit you with each other but there is a third new student, Sarah Xavier. So Joanna you shall go with Toryn and Edward with Sarah."
"What?!" Sarah and Joanna simultaneously yelled out their disapproval.

Trading Sarah for Joanna. I'm not complaining. Joanna gazed fiercely at Sarah and made hand gesture to communicate but the teacher was having none of it. Sarah moved to the back where Edward was sitting while Joanna moved to my desk in the middle. While picking up her unpacked textbook and notebook fuck. Once the quarrel settled the teacher gave us a mini-assigment to do. We were to see the response of a dead frog to electricity. As lab partners and one was to write and one was to increase voltage. Joanna -quite bored- offered to do the writing while looking back at Sarah and Edward often.

Before hooking up the legs I look to Sarah who's doing the voltage increase. "No Edward really if I do this it's like a dead bunny."
"Here let me increase the voltage on the right and it does this." A small spark erupts and Sarah shrieks while Edward laughs at her. Sarah. "You jerk. No stop touching it you're going to burn it." She jokingly swats him away while trying to equalise the voltage. "Focus on writing Edward. Focus on that." Still laughing at Sarah, Edward starts writing down the responses of the voltage increase.

Joanna is very helpful but seems almost distracted as she writes. The period goes on in silence and suddenly having the hot new girl with me didn't seem like such a pleasure.

Sarah's POV
Most of the first three periods were fun especially seeing Joanna being bombarded with paint in Art due to unstable equipment. It was all laughs and fun except it was dampened by Toryn's depression. Whenever I laughed I noticed how his faced cringed and how he kept looking worse and worse. Lunch time Joanna and Edward decided to go to the library for a quick 'study' session. They couldn't have made what they were going to do more obvious. Walking to the cafeteria by myself was off putting because I couldn't seem to shake the feeling of being watched off me. 

Standing in the line getting a light lunch for me, Joanna and Edward I barely balanced the trays on my arms as I walked over to a empty table not to far from the back entrance looking out at the field. About to reach the table I see Joanna walk in with Edward not far behind her as I walk past the jocks/cheerleaders table. Then everything is a mess. I'm all over the floor with salad in my hair, cool drink on my shirt, pudding down my legs and soft fruit squashed beneath me. Catching Toryn's eyes I see him say, "Oops me mistake. Sorry nerd." While he fist bumps Ethan and pulls Nina to him. Immature much? Joanna sprints up to me and helps me get up while trying not to slip on the jelly on the floor.
Edward glares at Toryn before saying, "Dude whatever your problem is there is no excuse for hurting a lady, intentionally or not you give a crap apology." Toryn stands up and looks down slightly on Edward cause he's shorter. "Do you have a problem, Newbie?"
"Yeah I have a problem that's-" Joanna pulls Edward away before assuring him I was okay and we should go. She smiles lovingly at Edward before throwing and icy glare at Toryn and turning away. "Come on Sarah. I've got a spare shirt." Looks like today's going to be awful. Some things never change.

A/N Hey y'all late update. I've been busy so I only found time to update today. I know I never finish a school day but school's boring who wants to read about that for two chapters? So anyway I'll attempt to update more since holidays are here and yeah.

1. Is Toryn being silly about the whole 'Edward and Sarah' thing?

2. Joanna seems like the jealous type?

3. Does Sarah act a little to friendly with Edward?

4. Toryn's back to bullying Sarah is this childish?

I'll update next chapter soon.


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