Chapter Three (Same Schedule)

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Toryn's POV
My first class of the day was mathematics. I loved math but because I had to keep up my 'average' jock form I had to hate it and flunk it each semester, barely scraping a pass. It's an awful torture but I had asked for this so I had to deal with it. Although like my earlier get together with Nina it did have its benefits. Even though those benefits were interrupted by a certain redhead.

"Excuse me, Toryn?"
Speak of the devil. The girl herself had her books in her arms and was jumping up and down putting them in her bag and trying to get to me. The sight was unusual but amusing. "Yeah Red?" Slightly baffled she looked at me for a few second before something clicked. "Oh, that's right I never told you my name."

To humor her I clicked my fingers and made a gun like imitation for her. "Boom she's a winner." Pushing her glasses up her nose - as they stared to slip - she held out her hand and said, " Before I forget again, my name's Sarah."
"Sounds like a popular girl's name." I thought a loud. She laughed lightly before answering me. "It sort of is but because of, " she pointed to herself and down," All this I'm obviously not the first choice for Miss Popular." She rolled her eyes as the sarcastic name rolled off her tongue. Losing focus for a moment as she zipped her bag and pulled her strap on I finally asked her why she was seeking me.

"Yeah thing is because I'm new ,I'm completely lost. Mind lending a nerd a hand?" Her mouth quirked up as she pleadingly looked at me. She had such a cute face I couldn't deny her. "Who are you suppose to get first?" I sighed my defeat and looked at her excited face as she dug in her bag for her schedule. "Um I've got Ms MC first , math."
"That's the same class I'm headed to. Come on we can go together."
A grin broke across my face when she ecstatically shoved the paper in her baggy jeans and raced up to me. We conversed slightly making pointless chatter just to pass the time.

"So Toryn, are you aspiring to be a mathematician?" It was an out of the blue question as well as a spot on question. "Have you seen this gorgeous face? Can you imagine a face like this wearing nerd glasses and speaking useless mathematical equations?"
"Well not everyone has to fit their roles in society. Example I don't have to be a nerd - I could get contacts and look "fuckable" as you said to Nina this morning - but I choose to because if I was to look like a girl like that then we wouldn't have individuals in society." With that said she strode into math class and patiently waited for the teacher to arrive so she could announce herself. Her words shouldn't mean anything and yet why do they? The rest of math class was passed in silence on my part and Sarah sitting - looking off distantly - quietly and looking once my way.

Sarah's POV
I fear that I might be ill. What is wrong with me why would I suddenly tell him that? Maybe you like him a little more than you let on. What no! I was just giving him friendly advice is all , it meant nothing more. The bell pulled me out of my thoughts signifying the start of second period. And the next phase of hell begins. I should be use to it by now. Seeking help again but knowing no one I walked once more up to Toryn, "Um , Toryn?" Turning away from his friends he looks at me amused. This is almost embarrassing. Calm down heart he won't bite! "You need help again?" He asks me already knowing the situation I'm in. Letting out a nervous laugh I answer, "Yeah I do. Please?"

He rolled his eyes feigning annoyance but all too willingly pulled the paper from my hand to get a complete look at my schedule. He scoffed lightly then erupted into a fit of laughter. His laugh is so sexy- wait no it isn't! Focus Sar. "What is it?" He took a few seconds to calm himself down before he could answer me.

"It appears ,Sarah, that you and I have the same schedule."
What? "The same schedule..." My voice sounded distant and afraid as I asked him but more stated. "Yeah exactly the same. Down to the last period." It excited me that I was going to be in the same class as my untouchable Sex God yet it frightened me all the more at the day ahead of me. Do I mind him? No. Does he scare me? No he excites me. So why is your heart pounding? I don't know any more. I've never felt this way about a boy like him. He's so seemingly different. I'm going to go for it.

"Do you want to walk together since we have the same next class?" My tongue was tied. My words slurred and my mouth felt heavy as I let out that single sentence. Ignoring all the weird sounds in between Toryn answered with a simple, "Sure." That has my heart racing and my feet stumbling over one another. Before we left the class I saw the guy from this morning giving me a dirty look and me being me I just gave him a polite smile in return. Hopefully I just made a friend and won't have to eat lunch alone. The walk to Science was similar to math although we laughed more and just focused on getting to know each other a little more. Before I knew what hit me I was sitting with him as his science partner and Nina sat down in the row behind us. Her glare drilled holes into my back but that didn't matter all that did matter was the look in Toryn's eyes when he laughed at something I said. I've found him the one I want.

Am I sure? Nervous? Excited? Deranged? If I'm choosing this boy out of all of them then I guess I must be...
I don't care anymore.

A/N hey all so I planned on updating yesterday but didn't get around to it. Forgive me? So it's difficult for me to write in Toryn's point of view but I'm doing it to the best of my ability. Next chapter is when things get tested and after that you'll see . So read on comment and suggestions please? You're amazing and wonderful.


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