Chapter Twenty Three (Beach Bitch)

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Sarah's bikini is the black one and Joanna's the Texas flag one. Read 'His Submission They're Love' and you shall get the reference and joke.

Sarah's POV
The boys gobbled down their food at quite a fast past and I wondered if it was really that good or had all the sex tired them out.

"So I was thinking the beach?" Joanna sad in between bites of her waffles. The waffles I was quite confident of, the eggs...not so much. Since Toryn had tried the first egg and nearly chocked on both the awful taste and because he couldn't swallow it, it was thrown away without my knowledge. "The beach sounds great." Jerry sighed contentedly as the fork and knife clattered on the plate. I guess the saying about winning a man's heart though his stomach is true.

How did I get so lucky as to find so many amazing people in my lifetime? I wasn't thinking about Toryn's previous bullying, it was all in the past and that was where it would stay. Forever I do hope although my past...

"I don't know Joanna... You know that me and water don't go very well..."
"Sarah it's time you come out of your shell." If it was any other girl I wouldn't argue but it was Joanna, my oldest friend, so I knew protest was needed, somewhat. "Well yeah but you know I'm not confident about my body nor do I feel comfortable exposing certain parts of me."

Hyde's warm hand suddenly covered my small cold one and he lovingly looked into my eyes,"Sarah you have nothing to worry about. Your body is yours and if we are talking about not being confident about your body... we saw every inch of it and I must say we do like it. Right boys?" Toryn guiltily looked away and nodded, Jerry simply smiled and agreed. 

If only you knew. If only you knew then you'd know that's not what I'm talking about...

"Sarah? Why are you crying?" Joanna's concerned voice interrupted my thoughts and I felt the salt of my tears reach my lips. Does the mere thought of it make me cry tears? Or does my tears only well up out of pity for myself? Joanna excused herself from Edward's side and walked with me to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, Joanna pulled me gently towards her and gave me the gentlest hug I've ever felt. Her voice was hushed and barely audible as she whispered reassuring words in my ear.

"I know it's hard. I know the nightmares that plague your mind each night and leave you restless when you don't slip into another's dream, I also know that eventually you will have to tell someone. He used it against you but that doesn't mean that all boys will. You need to learn to trust your mind and soul with another. Even if it is for today, can you do that for me?"

If I wasn't crying already I would be bawling by now. My voice quivered as I tried to come up with an answer but was left with only whimpers and sniffles for a vocabulary.

Joanna being Joanna though she understood, she knew what it was I was so afraid of, she was probably one of the only reasons I remain sane anymore. "You okay?"

She let's go of me slightly so she can look at my face. I want to speak but I know I'll only be whimpering again so I only nod. "Okay. You'll need to wear you contacts again but for now we're going to bath together, like last night."

From whatever semblance of a heart I have left I am eternally grateful that my guardian angel was made my best friend. I nod again and bite my lip as I start to undress and hear the water start to run.

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