Chapter Forty(Expectations Of The Unexpected)

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For the more "straight" people this chapter ain't for you. This is the only time I'm ever warning, it won't happen again in the future.

Nina's POV
After the mysterious Dark Knight disappeared, I thought it best to seek out someone who'd know what to do in this situation.


She seems to be more informed of things than anyone. I can only hypothesize that she would know what to do right now . Now if I could just find her.

I walk around my house, looking in every room, and yet in everyone I find someone but not the person I'm looking for.

This girl is making it very difficult for me. I'm standing back where I started, near the door but close to the dining room. I need to find Joanna and I need to do it before we can start tonight's games.

Sarah. I could go find Sarah. She and Joanna are practically joined at the hip. By that logic if I find Sarah, she can find Joanna , I can inform Joanna of the unexpected arrival and she can solve this problem. It sounds like a foolproof plan. If only it were actually that simple.

I just hope Sarah hasn't left her room. Finding her room is the easiest as it is just up the stairs. There's no sound in her room. I lean against the door and press my ear to it. I slowly open the door and peer in. I was horribly wrong. There is someone in the room, and she's standing perfectly naked. In the dim light she looks so beautiful.

The light bouncing off of her wet skin. The visible drops of water glistening in the light. And her wet hair was clinging to her skin and making the most beautiful shape on her body. My once forgotten heat came back in full force. She bent over to pick up something on the floor.

Ah what I wouldn't give to be Jerry. No! I don't want her. Sarah starts smelling in the air. She seems to be intensely smelling. Sarah turns around in my direction. Her eyes start glazing backwards , like she's smelling the most wonderful scent. "I smell you. You smell so wonderful..."

Tap. I jump a mile in the air. Oh boy looks like I've been caught peeping. I spin around to find Jerry and Joanna in my face. Great. Double trouble. "Although this picture does please me," Jerry reached behind me and pulled the door closed. "We might have a bigger problem on our hands, " Joanna finished Jerry's sentence.


Now we're here, sitting in the dining area drinking coffee. We've been discussing why this guy has showed up. So far the only things I've learned have been his name and last name. Other than that useless information none of us have figured out his reasons for being here .

"So you're saying that the new guy, Alec, came here uninvited and for no apparent reason?"
"To sum it up, yes. That's the only reason we came up with."
"Of course there could be something else. Another reason. "
"And what would that be, Joanna?"
"What was his reason for coming to the school in the first place? The person who's been under his gaze the entire time. Think, Jerry."

Now that I think about it the signs are all here. But what does that have to do with anything? His arrival doesn't make any sense nor does anything else for this matter. It also doesn't explain how he found my house or that he knew she'd be here tonight. It just doesn't...

Joanna gets up and walks over to the sink. "We'll worry about this Alec situation later. For now though we don't want to raise anyone's suspicions, so let's just carry on with the night's activities and worry later okay?"

"You're right. It's best if no one else worries about this. For now though, I have a favour to ask of you Nina? "
"Yeah what is it?"
Jerry looked at me with a dead serious stare. I've only seem him like this once, and that time was most unpleasant. For both me and him. "Remember that thing you saw?" How could I forget, it was the most gruesome night of my life. If I could I'd forget it all. "Yes?"
Jerry looked at Joanna and back to me. So he most likely he hasn't told Sarah or Joanna about...that thing. He leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear, "Don't tell anyone. I especially don't want Sarah to know until I've told her. Please. "
"Okay Jerry..."

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