Chapter One(Redhead)

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Toryn's POV
My name's Toryn Skulleton. I'm your average jock who believes himself to be better than everyone. The classic brown hair and blue eyes suits me well especially considering it has the ladies swooning over me. I could be a really hot guy if I wasn't also the school's bad boy. It's cliché I know but it's what makes high school typical. It wouldn't be high school if guys like me weren't around. But anyway I'm getting sidetracked all this is just a bit of info so you know something about me. Getting back to it I remember the first day I met her and how she changed everything about me, she made me but- more often than not- she was also going to be the sole cause of my downfall. Sounds even more clichéd but it is what it is. She seemed average so why I fell into her trap is quite simple. I fell for that average.


Beginning of the third semester. It's my final year in high school and I'm ruling the hallways. The cheerleaders were gathered around the entrance when I walked up with the football team. Nina Edmunds - head cheerleader - stopped in front of me with her usual slut smirk in place. "Hey Toryn."

She was a grade A pain but because we were old friends and seeing each other at practice most afternoons I readied my 'too cool' face. "Hey Nina. You're looking fuckable as usual."

Hyde Jakkal - our quater back and one of my two best friends - gave me the thumbs up to show they were leaving us to it and shoved us into the corridors as the rest of the cheerleading squad did the casual flirting with jocks. Some friends. Nina - slow as always - giggled at my remark which was supposedly hilarious but she really dressed herself to look like sex on legs. The short skirt and boots with a barely t-shirt passed off as a bra showing most of her midriff. If I was into that sort of thing I'd have her bent over home room's desk everyday. Maybe I am into it? "Hey Toryn did you hear me?" She turned her body towards mine and pulled me into her against the lockers. We were the only ones in the building as everyone was outside socialising after the long holidays.

"Yes Nina?" I hadn't heard a word she said so she all too willingly repeated what she had said. "I said, my parents are gone for a business meeting the entire week and they don't want me to feel lonely. I was hoping since we're old time friends that you'd maybe come over to my place this week?" She asked me her question while bringing her hand down to my crotch and bringing mine down to her breasts. This should be such a turn on so why does it disgust me?

"I'd love to Nina but since it's football season my parents have instructed no going over to friends houses unless it's for studying or football and vice versa." She gave a disappointed sigh before placing my hand on her breast," You could just say you're going to be at Jerry's for both. If you do we could even-"

"As exciting as that sounds sugar tits Jerry's parents made the same arrangement."

She gave a final sigh of defeat and raised her lips to mine." Maybe we could at least have a little fun right now since it's just us." With that she guided my hand under her top and under her bra. Just to humor her slightly I kissed her back rough and hard just how she liked it.

I knew because me and Nina had hooked up a while back. We were barely ever able to draw oxygen cause she constantly had her lips planted on mine ,I can't say I didn't enjoy it while it lasted though. Nina breathed heavily as I drew the oxygen out of her and she had me massage her while she massaged me. Nina this is turning me on. Damn more baby. She pulled me down further by wrapping her arms around my neck and hoisting herself onto my waist ,the lockers behind her supported her as well as resting slightly on me. She nibbled on my lip - knowing it excited me - and moaned louder as I rocked between her legs to tease her. Maybe we should get back together. Nina pulled her shirt up showing off her yellow bra and brought me down to level with them.

"Suck them?" She wanted to command but it came out as a plea. I roamed my hand up slightly and pulled it up so I could see her pink and hard nipples. Nina is such a slut. I grabbed hold of both of them roughly and ran my tongue over the right one as it seemed to scream for me. She bit down on her lip as a moan escaped from her which quickly turned into panting as I sped up the licks. She tastes like strawberries. I like this taste on Nina.

"Wow." The single sound had me and Nina pull apart from each other as we looked for the source of the sound. A redhead with glasses hid slightly behind the lockers with a smirk on. "Why am I not surprised to find two students about to go at it like wild rabbits?" By the sound of the voice it was a girl. "Please don't let me interrupt continue your scene." Nina pulled her bra and shirt back down in a hurry and gave the girl a furious glare for interrupting. After collecting herself and letting her anger subside she calmly asked the girl, "Who are you?"

The girl stepped away from the lockers and I was stunned by both her looks and the way she looked. She had glasses that were square-ish, glossy red hair that was tied into a messy ponytail, an overly baggy shirt that probably hid small boobs and baggy jeans with tight shoes. Classic nerd but somewhat...cute?

"I'm new and you are?" Nina gave the girl a harsh look over and grunted her obvious disapproval, "I'm obviously out of your league, newbie." Noting the sarcasm but choosing to ignore it the girl held out her hand in a friendly manner. "Well, Obviously Out Of Your League, you have a pretty long name but your parents were creative in their wording."

Beside Nina I faked a cough to disguise the laughter I released. Noticing me once more the girl asked, "And who are you, hot stuff?"

"Toryn Skulleton." My normal cocky attitude seemed to disintegrate around her. She just had an aura that made me want to be friendly towards her. She smiled genuinely at me and I was mesmerised for a few seconds before the bell rang indicating the start of hell. The girl clicked her tongue - obvious distaste - as she focused back on me. Like I was the only thing that mattered.

"Twas the bell that separated the beast from the fresh meat." She snickered at her own joke which I didn't get at all before she turned away to the secretaries offices. Something dawned on me then I hadn't gotten her name.
"Can I ask your name? " Nina gasped in front of me as the words left my mouth. I had surprised myself when I said it but then I guess I was thinking aloud.

She turned back with a grin and yelled back, " You'll learn it in time, Toryn Skulleton." With that she ran away as the school flooded and it felt like something inside me burst as well. A warm burst though. Strange that one.

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