Chapter Twenty Nine (Arrival)

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Alec Dark above ladies and gents. Keep up with me please?

Sarah's POV
A field. I was in a field with green gentle hills and oak trees being the only humongous thing I saw. Just me, the warm welcoming sun, a few animals here and there, finally my best friend, Joanna. "So this is what you dream about, Jo? Grassy fields and woodland creatures? I must say I'm impressed." I genuinely was, I expected to be in a room filled with sex toys, dildos, strap ons, vibrators and all that junk. Instead here I am - in my best friend's dreamland - and I find myself in a bright and healthy field. To say I was astonished is a shame.

"Not all of our minds are filled with sex like yours, Sarah." She didn't have to go that low, I'm a little wounded inside. Kidding. We all know I'm a major dirty girl, and everyone loves me for it. "This is an exquisite view." I lay back on the ticklish grass and for a mere moment I feel like it is almost real. "So how's the flight?" I give an unlady like snort and bite the inside of my lip to prevent sarcasm from leaking out. "It's long and boring like any flight you'd expect, I'd actually prefer to be at home right now actually."

She lays down beside me so our hairs are touching. From up above we must look like those movie girls who have no problems or worries. In actual fact it's the total opposite. You know what they say never judge a book by it's cover, I prefer to look at the blurb and then the contents page first. "Jerry is really upset that he missed dropping you off at the airport. I don't blame him, if it was my Baby Boy I'd be tearing up inside."
"Hey, Jo?"

"Yeah, Sar?"
"I really miss you, physical you. " The usual silence comes over us as we just soak in each others presence and the sun. If this wasn't Joanna's dream, and if I didn't know it was nothing more than images made by the mind's memories, I could have sworn this was real and I had experienced it before.

"Well it's only a small while till we see each other again." She stretches her hand over her head in an invitation for me to take it. I smile to myself and raise my hand to take hers. Just as our fingers meet I am suddenly pulled out of the dream.

"Ma'am? Ma'am, the plane has landed, you need to leave." A flight attendant gently shakes my shoulder to wake my up. You'd think after sleeping for most of the flight I'd be fine, but when I open my eyes I give the attendant a fierce glare that should have killed her.

"Thank you." I barely manage to politely thank her as she speed walks away. "Yeah you better run." I mutter to myself under my breath. The passenger next to me, Alec, is gone and I appear to be the only person here. Go figure, you can't rely on people, or even supernaturals such as myself.

Standing up I stretch my tired and sore muscles and hear a few loud unwilling to move joints crack. Opening the thing above my head, I couldn't care less what the actual name is , I pull my luggage out. I'm officially on Oklahoman soil, actually the tarmac runaway of Oklahoma airport , when I exit the plane. Even this far in the air still smells a lot cleaner than the smelly, polluted city air.

Pray that this goes well.


"So how was the flight little sis?" When I was picked up by Matt, my grandparents driver and person assigned to come get me , I had contemplated whether to call Joanna or not and had somehow found myself dialling Fantasia's number.

"First of all, Tasia, the flight was okay and I was asleep for most of it. Second off, can we get back to the matter at hand?" I hear a few murmurs in the background as Fantasia is debating with someone, most likely a customer at the store. Finally I hear a can I repeat from the other side. Repeating what I said there is once more a silence as digest the information.

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