Chapter Twenty Six (Events)

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Sarah's POV
After our very heated session we bid Tara and the group farewell. Before we did leave though I slipped my new number in Nick's bag for Tara later.

We rode home in silence an odd but welcomed silence. After today's events I was exhausted and Jerry's show didn't help either.

"Are you tired?" Edward gently nudged my arm. "Why is my snoring bothering you?" He gave an awkward smile. "First off, you don't snore that loud. Kind of like Mistress. Second, I'm just concerned. Mistress told me about the big steps you took today and I mean in the obstacle sense."

That I had almost forgotten about my small achievement today. "I'm kind of tired." He tapped his shoulder to indicate I could lay down on him. If me and Edward weren't friends Joanna would have a fit.

We were in Joanna's car, she had decided the three of us would leave the main boys alone to discuss boy nonsense. Now I was relieved that she had decided for me.

I layed down on his shoulder and started slowly slipping into sleep. "Joanna?"

"Yes, Sarah?"
"I don't often say how much I appreciate you. Despite how I act and how much I do effectively push you away most days, I'm both glad and relieved that you're still here. You're one of the two people I can call my best friends. Thank you, Joanna Arc."

There was the comfortable silence we lapped into. I would bet that our exhaustion was a good help too. "You even hung out with Tara for a whole day. I'm glad you did ,it even for just today. "

She sighed at my words. As I was feeling that sleep zone again I hear her say, "As long as I don't have to do it again, I'm fine."

I laughed slightly and answer with a sarcastic, "Buzz kill. You just ruined the moment." In a drowsy voice.

Before I had counted my first sheep, I was asleep.

Edward's POV
Sarah was fast asleep on my shoulder and making barely audible snores. If Mistress hadn't captured my heart I am certain Sarah would have a chance. But her role in Mistress' and my relationship is even greater than I give her credit for.

"Yes, Baby Boy?"
"Even though you do often complain about Sarah's behaviour... would you ever trade her for someone else?"

There is a long silence, I am worried that I have stepped out of line. I should have not asked her a question such as that.

"I'm sorry, Mistress."
"No don't be. Do you want my honest answer, Baby Boy?" Her angelic voice is coated in worry and I feel almost bad for wanting to know the answer to a meaningless question. "Yes, Mistress, but only if you wish to tell me."

"I would never wish to forget nor trade Sarah for anything or anyone, except you. Sarah is after all the reason that we met. Do you remember?"

How could I forget? It was a day quite similar to this one. Only spent in school instead of at the beach.

It was the second semester, I was a year 9 transfer student and I was dying to get the day over with. I had left all my friends behind in my old place and I was expected to replace them with new people. To say I wasn't thrilled is not enough of a comparison. I walked down the hallway with my textbooks in my hand. I had only just gotten them and I was lost while looking for my locker. "Come on, Ed, it's a school navigating your way should be a-"

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