Chapter Ten (Punishment)

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Sarah's POV
I don't know where I was or what it was I was so mad for. He had been amazing, the perfect gentleman and yet here I was bawling to Joanna about how I was going to get him back. I was going to find out some dirt on him and use it against him. "Are you sure that's such a good idea Sar? I mean this could end up bad."
"Joanna I'm more than sure I need to do this otherwise he's getting away with murder." She rubs her arm on me comfortingly before walking out the door and saying, "Just be careful okay. Call me if something goes wrong." I'll be fine I can handle it.  Now I'm driving. Driving where I don't know I just have a gut feeling. I stop in front of a big house. All the lights are off even the security lights are. They either forgot to put it on or they aren't home to put it on.

It's all the encouragement I need to walk up to the front door and break it open. All sounds of the outside fall away and the only sound I do hear is the thudding of my heart. I'm nervous and I know I shouldn't do this but some thing's urging me on an unspoken message. So I walk in and look around I'm going to search every inch of this place before I even think of leaving. The search starts when I enter the lounge and everything is dark and only furniture's silhouettes are seen. Calm down. It's just me here. I stumble around for a little just feeling my way around too terrified to put on the lights. Everything's a blur as I search I don't feel anything nor do I see anything.

All I want to do is find whatever it is I'm looking for and get out of here. The sense that I'm being watched is starting to grow and I'm feeling more and more rushed to find this thing and leave. I'm looking in the last place in the house, the garage. I expected at least one car but it's completely empty in the middle. There are chains hanging on the walls and some items I can't see clearly. My heart rate sky rockets and all feeling in my legs are lost. I'm frozen where I stand in the middle of the room and my heart is trying to burst out of my chest. Get out! GET OUT! I'm about to turn away when I hear, "What are you doing here Sarah?" Toryn, Jerry and Hyde all walk in from the garage entrance. I'm quick to run out at that moment my heart's terrified and my mind screams caught as I attempt to run out, Jerry grabs my hair and pulls me back to the middle of the room. "It would appear your little girlfriend was snooping around where she shouldn't be. What should we do with her?" Hyde has a sadistic grin on his face as he looks at me. "Well how about some light punishment?" He suggests. Toryn looks at him eagerly and agrees. The lights are turned on I see all the things that were hidden in the shadow. The walls are lined with chains, cuffs, whips and some very nasty looking equipment. "What should we start with?" Toryn turns to Jerry who still has my hair in his grip. "Get the chair."

A chair with no back is placed in front of me and my clothes are ripped off my body leaving me nude before I'm cuffed to the legs. My legs are spread by Jerry and I hear the sound of a rattling chain. Hyde comes into my view and grips my face, "First let's use our hands for our little snooper. Toryn?"
"It will be my pleasure." Toryn walks at a slow pace so he can fully examine my naked body and he stops behind me. "Relax this isn't going to hurt it's light punishment." He assures me and I somehow hear him pull his arm back preparing to spank my ass. The first blow isn't soft at all it has me choking back tears and he giggles. He pulls back again and deals another blow to my skin and I hear my skin scream. He does this 20 more times with me barely keeping my tears back and screaming for him to stop. Each hit allows a single tear to escape and a frightened gasp to escape me. I'm finally losing it when I start begging. My begging and pleading falls on deaf ears as he keeps 'lighyly' spanking me while Jerry and Hyde stand in front of me with malicious grins.

"Stop please! I'm sorry please stop you're gonna break me. I can't take anymore. Stop! Please, please, please stop!" He laughs at my choked pleads and only takes the initiative to spank me harder. I don't choke back the tears anymore. They flow relentlessly down my cheeks spilling on the floor and making a small puddle at Hyde's feet. Toryn finally stops and I slump down broken and knowing there are bloodred marks on my ass where he brutally beat me. "Sarah are you crying already? This is only the beginning." Hyde steps away from Jerry as Toryn comes into view. Out of the corner of my eye I see him pull a long chain off the wall and start folding it in half. "You're turn Hyde." Jerry says to him and Hyde takes up Toryn's previous position. They were gonna break me. They were going to...


I jump up from my bed covered thickly in my own sweat. It was a nightmare. It was only a dream. Inhaling and exhaling quickly and loudly I try to calm down my raging heart. It felt so real each individual slap felt like it had actually happened. My hair stuck to the sides of my head and the back of my neck as I sit against the headboard. It was merely a dream a delusion of the mind yet my body was sure it had actually happened. I turn to look at my clock and it reads 5:45. It was so early I usually woke up an hour from now but the dream still fresh in my head prevented me from thinking about sleep.

Not wanting to possibly slip back into that psychopathic dream I slip out of bed and pad into my bathroom. I just want to wash this feeling of dread away. As a succubus it was common that my mind often slipped into the dream of another without my realising so as the hot water washed away the dream I was left with one thought. Who's dream did I just slip into?

A/N MORE Sarah I know it's boring but she's the main character so bare. This nightmare is descriptive enough hopefully because I couldn't describe it well enough it scared me so much. This is my actual nightmare so forgive me please.

1. Who's dream did she slip into?

2. Did that scare you slightly?

3. What would happen if that wasn't a dream?


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