Chapter Thirty Seven (Are you kidding me?!)

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Tara de Villiers and Nicholas(Nick) Adam above.
Sarah's POV
Well anyone can imagine what happened after that, if you can't I'll explain it to you, the other students came in to change, unfortunately for me Nina was one of them, and our gym teacher came in not long after. He noticed out absence and gave us both an hour detention. I can handle the detention, the tragic part was hearing we were required to clean the gym in that hour or it would extend to two hours and so on and so forth. The whole time we were standing there being scolded Jerry stood all nonchalant whilst I looked like an overly ripe tomato I was so embarrassed. The icing on the cake , which was not as sweet as most cakes icings are, the teacher told us off for having sex on school premisis. If that's not enough to embarrass a girl for life I'd hate to witness something worse.

Now we were on our way to drama, and I was once again in class with Nina. I don't hate her, at least not anymore, ever since me and Joanna joined the cheerleading squad they had stopped bullying me, many of them even attempted to try and befriend me after they were told of me and Jerry's official relationship. Except Nina. She still hates me ,despite me not being interested in Toryn, and she openly shows it, most of these displays are done by humiliating and mocking my "windows" as they so aptly put it. Now that I think about it, Nina will have to - wait rephrase she will need to, for her sake, find some other way to insult me.

"What are you thinking about, Xavier?" I let out an ear piercing shriek when Hyde snuck up on Jerry and I, well mostly he snuck up on me as Jerr seemed to find my scared scream hilarious. Boys are so unreliable I tell you. "Thank you for that, Jakkal, now I will have to change my underwear . What can I help you with?" Hyde throws his arm over my shoulder, his hand I notice is dangerously close to my boob. "Well, Xavier, first off I'd like to help with your underwear sitch and second I'd like to ask if you've seen the new drama teacher?" What are new people suddenly coming out of the wall? That would be cool but no, no that can never happen. At least not in the mundane realm. "Wait the school got a new teacher? This late in the year? That seems fairly strange doesn't it?" Jerry moved Hyde's arm off of me and replaced it with his. Isn't it adorable how territorial males can be? It's just so cuter than puppies. At least that's my opinion?

"Well yeah, everyone agrees that it is quite strange for there to be a new teacher. That's not the strangest thing though. They say this guy is young, maybe in his early twenties, and that he was enrolling someone else in the school when he arrived for the staff meeting." That did sound like something to be investigated. Why is this teacher here in the final term, who was this mystery teacher, and most importantly who was this person said teacher enrolled?

So many questions and yet there was too little time for them all to be answered. We walked into the class and the supposed new teacher was no where in sight. None of Ms Dabad's stuff were in sight either. All the things that made the class seem cooky and artistic were gone, all the silly photos and paintings and the constant paint splattered everywhere had been replaced with artisti quotes and where the paint once oozed there is was only a slight stain here and there. It seemed that our new teacher was a neat freak, I don't think anyone needed to meet him to know that.

Did he grab and run ? I sat down on my desk next to Jerry and started taking out some pencils, crayons and a pad of paper. It's a drama class but we draw and paint here, so don't judge me for being a Little Miss Prepared.

As I bent over to close my bag, two people came into the class. Just looking at the legs I could see the other pair were female. The male, most likely our teacher , from what I could see he was wearing a suit pants and tuxedo shoes, I dont know what else to call them. The girl's legs were bare and she wore pumps, if I bent over a little more I could see the beginning of her shorts.

I shot up in my seat in time to see Jerry hunch down, his face buried into his hands to hide himself or out of shame was beyond me, but when I looked up I understood why he was hiding himself.

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