Pleasant To Meet You... Sir

Start from the beginning

"Didn't I tell you to let go of my friend before?"Johnny bellowed at the person. His appearance had turned a complete turned. The smile and calm face turned into fierce and vigilance. Distance between the two men was far enough for Johnny to continue twisting the arm, almost dislocating it.

The man that Timmy bumped into before spoke up in an nasally voice . "I see you're still uncultured as ever, Johnny. Why don't you tell your friend to look at where he's walking or should I say bumping into." 

Eyes widened as Johnny recognized the owner of the voice. His head positioned to where the voice came from, and immediately let go of the other person's arm. 

"Well if it isn't Garette, mother fucking, Plackard. How's sucking up to big wig's asses?"

In front of Johnny was Garette Plackard, dressed in a clashing colors of formal wear with brown leather shoes. The man's hair was keep short and combed to the side of his face. His glasses didn't frame suit his squarish face. The overall appearance of Garette was a mixture of hot mess he had taken from the styles that was currently on trend. 

Garette wag his finger in Johnny's face.

The offending finger was slapped out of Johnny's personal space.

"Tut-tut-tut. Haven't your mother ever taught you manners? I guess growing up she never did, huh?"

Steam could be seen coming out of Johnny's ear if it can. Timmy sees Johnny's hands balled into a fist and slowly walked towards the man in front of them. Grabbing his friend's arm without a thought, Timmy pulled him back, making him stumble a bit. 

"What did you say?" Harshly asked Johnny. 

Garette egged Johnny by saying, "You heard me right." 

Not wanting an actual fist fight, Timmy implored Johnny to ignore the person. 

"Don't fight, Johnny. Let it go. He's not worth it." Timmy beseechingly said to Johnny. This time his hands took hold of both arms, preventing him from moving, but it was difficult as Johnny's anger had taken him over. 

"I don't care." Johnny emphasized the three words as he gave a seething looked at the smirking man. "I am gonna kick his ass. I'll rearrange his face so bad, even plastic surgery won't help."


Another person called out Johnny's name, but this time he didn't give a glance.  He didn't need to look at the one who said his name to know who it was. The voice was very much a part of his life ever since he was a child. Tensing up, Johnny slowly calmed down a bit, and shrugged Timmy's hands off him.

Meanwhile, Timmy found the person was an older gentleman in the same styled suit Johnny wore but a little taller, but his build was thinner. The graying haired man walked up to Johnny and touched his shoulder. His expression to Johnny was like a fatherly figure with compassion in his eyes. Johnny did the same thing he did to Timmy a moment ago.

"Johnny, calm down. As your father, I have the right to say that those words should not be coming out of your mouth? You may have grown, but I didn't raise you to say those hideous words. Am I clear? If you're going to fight, use words not your fists." 

 "Ch, whatever," were the sounds Johnny made at his father. Timmy was puzzled at the treatment Johnny gives to his father.

With a smile, the older Spencers requested Johnny for an introduction of his friend while ignoring the sweating and nervous Garette, looking like a constipated fish.

"Timmy, this is my father, Simon Spencers. He's a District Attorney for the Union Socialist Party, and currently running for a governor position for our state." He then switched to introducing Timmy to his paternal figure. "Father, this is Timmy, a friend I made from the university. He just switched school. Now that the intros are finished, let's go." The last sentence spoken at Timmy.

"Wait a minute. I'd like to speak with Timmy if you don't mind Johnny." 

Timmy took this opportunity somethings about Johnny through his father. "Don't worry about it. Thanks for helping me out of that situation, but I'm all good now. Plus he's your dad. I don't think anything wrong is going to happen anyways."Small smile formed at Timmy's face before facing Simon. Holding out his hand, Timmy properly addressed Johnny's father. "Pleasant to meet you... Sir." 

Once more, Johnny was cutoff before he could say anything. This time, it was by his father. 

"See, even your friend agrees with me. Well that settles it." Pausing, Simon thought of what to say next. "Oh more thing, Brandon's back from Italy. He's been wanting to talk to you about something. You can find him at the smoking section, on the opposite side of the room. Your friends are also there with him. Hurry before they leave, and have no chance to talk to you." 

"Fine." Johnny looked at Timmy in the eye as he grabbed his shoulders. "Timmy, if anything happens like before call me. Yell my name, and I'll be here if a jiffy. I intend to keep the promise I mad." After he squeezed Timmy's shoulder, Johnny dropped his hands and stood in frond of his father. With a look of determination and confidence, Johnny said seriously, "Old man, you are responsible to anything that happens to Timmy. You are my father so I'm trusting you that no harm falls on him. I made a promise and I intend to keep them, unlike you."

The words that came out of Johnny's mouth confirmed what Simon had always feared. He didn't want to react badly to what his son had said, but it was futile once he sees the expression being given. It was the same display of emotions on that certain day. Closing his eyes, he could only answer with a nod. 

Distance between Johnny and Timmy was even greater now. Remorse consumed Johnny as each step takes him further away from the man that was left behind. His thoughts was in turmoil since Brandon had been one of the people he had admired. Seeing him is like catching a fish with hands, busy with his company despite the gap of their age is two years. 

At the other end of the room, making an effort to stop himself from following Johnny, Timmy stopped watching with his eyes. With his friend gone, he felt a bit resentful at the person that just left. Despite Timmy saying he was fine, it was the opposite. He had wanted Johnny to say he would stay at least before leaving. 

It was clear to Simon that Timmy was tense even if it didn't show on his outward appearance. Sighing, he switch to the other person standing to the side like a pig slowly being roasted in an open fire. 

"Hmmm." Simon emitted."So Garette, what did you say about my late wife? I heard something about her not teaching my son any manners? I wonder if your parents did the same to? Would you like for me to tell them about your abhorrent behavior to them?"

Garette was now in the spotlight. Under the gaze of Simon, the younger man had profusely began to sweat. "I-I wasn't insulting her, s-si-sir. I, your s-son w-wa." 

Simon's eyes intensified to the brink of making Garette tremble and lips quiver. "I'm sorry, sir! I'm sorry! I won't come after your son again. I'll l-leave the v-vi-vicinity, sir. Good E-evening." 

With those words, Garette ran away from Simon and Timmy, not bothering to pick up the balls that fell. 

"I'm a bit disappointed." 

An eyebrow shot up to Timmy's forehead line. "Why disappointed sir?"

Simon replied with a blank face. "I would think he'd start crying. Kids like him are all bark. Anyways, let's go get you some food and talk about some things. Follow me."

Somehow, Timmy feels at ease with the domineering old man, as he trailed after. The quote 'like father, like son,' resonated in his thoughts as each steps lead them to a table filled with selections of food. It didn't take the two to reach it as it wasn't far. 

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