He's always there.

I hear the big doors open and I look up and refocus. I see a group of Hayes' teammates walking out and they are having different conversations. They wave to me and say a quick hi before heading towards the exit. Next the door opens and I see Grayson, Hayes, Nigel and Brandon. Hayes is speaking and I stand slowly noticing that Hayes hasn't quite seen me and so they passed me.

"Hey Hayes," I call out gently. The conversation stops and he turns around and the guys stop with him.

"Char," He says softly. I walk over to him and I bring out the flowers.

"You guys did great out there."

"Thank You Charlotte," Nigel smiles. "I'm glad you came today. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright. Ready for the championships in about a weekish?"

"Heck yeah." Nigel looks between Hayes and I. "Looks like you wanted to see your awesome boyfriend here." I laugh lightly and nod thankful his teammates are really understanding and supportive. "Grayson, Brandon and I will let you two talk. See you in a bit Hayes."

"See you in a bit," Hayes says as he nods as the three of them walks away. I look back towards Hayes.

"These are for you." It takes him a moment for him to respond.

"You didn't have to get me flowers."

"I wanted to. Really, I like doing this for you." He looks away from me and doesn't accept the flowers. A slight disappointment struck me and my smile falters slightly. "I'm sorry about this morning." His expression of annoyance is now shown.

"Yeah, well what the hell were you thinking hiding my stick? You almost cost my team extra conditioning." I bite my lower lip nervously. Never intentionally mean to make him late. I just wanted to surprise him with great news. That obviously backfired.

"I didn't know that was going to happen. I didn't mean for that to happen Hayes." He huffs and takes a step back.

"Then you kept me up to finish that stupid movie we've watched about a billion times. I don't get why you couldn't have let me go to sleep." I look down at the flowers.

It's not a stupid movie. It's the movie we both fell in love with when we were younger and we'd always watch it together no matter what. For him to say this bothers me. I sigh to myself disappointed.

"Have fun with your friends," I mumble trying my best to not show upset I am for probably the sixth argument we've had all week. I push my way from him and continue to walk away from him, not bothering to ask him when he would get back to the house.

•Jacob Whitesides•

Cameron, Nash, Aaron and I are in the car waiting for Hayes and Charlotte to come out. We have been waiting for the two for about ten minutes now as the crowd has started to thin out from the doors.

"You don't think they're making out, right?" Nash asks as he looks between the three of us.

"Who knows, possibly," Cam says looking up from his phone.

"I'm not even sure if I want to know," he shudders and I chuckle. I look out the window again and I see Charlotte walking over. I frown slightly to not see Hayes with her.

"There's Char," I say and Cam unlocks the door. I open my side and she gets in to sit at the back.

"Took you long enough," Aaron smiles back her and I turn around. She's looking down at her phone and shrugs.

"Is Hayes coming?" Nash asks from the front.

"No, he went with some of his friends to hangout," She answers.

"Don't you usually go?" Cam asks as he puts the car on reverse and backs out of the parking spot.

"No. I'm a little tired," she yawns. "I'll see him later."

"How is your back doing? Have you told Hayes the news?" Nash asks with a smile and turns his head.

"My back is doing great. Bending and moving around better. I... haven't had the chance to tell him yet." I turn my head slightly to see her slightly upset about something, but I don't say anything. She is my best friend. I can always ask her later.

"What? I thought you'd have told him weeks ago."

"I'll tell him tonight," She says softly and looks out the window and leans against it. Soon the guys are talking and I notice how quiet Char has been. She's usually very cheerful and the center of the conversation. Today, she's dead silent. It looks like she has spaced out.


Welcome to book 2! Hope all of you enjoy this story as much as I loved writing it. Hope all of you are having a wonderful week 💞


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