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"Touch down!" My annoying brother whisper shouted to my ear lifting my headphones up.

"Would you please shut up? I'm trying to relax, can't you see?" I said fiercely looking at him.

"Okay... Okay..." He replied chuckling.

One of the flight crew said that we already landed and that it was five minutes past the hour of two. I felt really happy and excited both at the same time. It is my first time here too.

The plane got its full stop and the seatbelt sign was turned off. I quickly stood up and got my carry on from the overhead cabin then lined up. As the main door has been opened the line went on pretty fast. Just after a while, I was already walking through the tube and already at the terminal building.

My family then followed and they wanted to use the lavatory, so we tried to find one. We walked for a few and luckily we found it. They all went in but me. I stayed outside to take care of of our things. I decided to look around.

It was just like your typical airport. People were talking while walking, some were just all by themselves, and some were just doing their normal stuff. I continued to observe the surroundings until I noticed something familiar. I tried to follow it with my eyes until I decided to really follow it. I tried to run, but I forgot that my brother's duffel was on the floor making me trip.

"Ah!" I screamed.

"Miss, are you okay?" A voice of a guy that was sounding familiar asked.

I looked up and got more surprised. It was Shawn Mendes. "Yeah." I answered blushing.

He offered me his hand and I got it. I cannot believe that I'm holding the Shawn Mendes' hand. I smiled and I said thanks. There came a small awkward silence and then my family came out and then they told me to walk with them already.

"Well I guess I should go." I said.

"It's okay. It was nice meeting you." He smiled.

I started to walk and I waved goodbye. I then tried to catch up with my family.

"So you met Shawn." My brother said.

"Mhmm..." I answered.

"But, did you have a photo with him?" He asked looking at me.

"OH MY G! I FORG-" He cut me showing his phone with a candid photo of me and Shawn. "I guess you aren't that much annoying after all."


THIS IS MY FIFTIETH CHAPTER IN THIS BOOK! Lol as if it was in chapters Hahaha

Well... So, this might be my last imagine for this year, or who knows haha.

For next year, I already have a few imagines planned, and I will also publish the requests which I'm really sorry about because it's been quite a while since I left them hanging there. But this 2017, I promise that they will be one of the first publishes for the year.

Anyways, I have questions for y'all to answer.

1. How was your holidays?

2. What was your favourite gift/s?

3. What was your favourite 2016 memory/ies?

4. What are you planning for 2017?

Yeah, feel free to answer those questions cuz I'm kinda curious haha. For y'all not to feel awkward, here are my answers.

1. It was pretty cool lol

2. My favourite gift would be my humongous pillow from my dad and the Under Armour knapsack that I got for myself

3. That would be when I Daniel likes my tweet and when I met Cam.

4. I'm planning to meet Cam again (wish me luck pls) and to focus on my photography.

Hope you guys had an amazing 2016. I wish you guys enjoyed this imagine as well. I love you guys tons. May there be a blessed day ahead of you! - Winchelle

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now