Dinner With The Family

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Y/L/N - Your last name
Y/S/N - Your sibling's name (if you don't have one you can just don't mind it)

Shawn just went out of the sound booth since he just finished recording his new song. He walked towards means hugged me at my back.

"Babe, I'm hungry." He whined.

"Why won't you just have dinner with my family?" I suggested looking at the clock.

"Well, I don't know. I still haven't met them again since we became official." He sighed.

"Oh come on!" You sat down on his lap. "The last time you saw them we were best friends. What's the matter?" I asked.

"What if they don't want me to be your boyfriend?" He looked at me

"You?! You're thinking that they don't want you to be my boyfriend?!" I chuckled. "I heard them once talking about you, and they were always wishing for us to be official."

He looked at me in surprise and blinked twice. He lets go of the hug and walked towards the door to exit. I decided to follow him. We both went to the car.

As we arrived at the driveway I could sense that he is nervous. Nervous than ever. He was sweating, his hands were shaking, and he was cold. I held his hand and kissed it.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine." A smile ran across my face to my cheeks.

We both went down and I held his hand again. He was still having that blood rush. As we reached my porch I gave him a kiss on the cheek then I got my keys to open the door.

My family was there just doing their normal stuff. Mom was making dinner, dad was working his work (still), and my brother was just there watching TV.

"Oh hey there sweetie! Hi Shawn!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. "Don't worry dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

"Alright mom!" I shouted back going to her to help with putting the plates and utensils on the table.

I went to the kitchen and got everything that I need. I set the table up and helped my mom to serve the meals. To be honest I must probably be the hungriest girl in the world right now.

Mom called out everyone and my whole family (including Shawn because according to my mom and dad he is family as well) to go to the dining hall to eat. As everyone reached the table, we all sat down. My sibling was beside my mom and dad at the main chair, and Shawn and I sitting beside each other.

"Uhmm... Before we start to eat. I would like to tell you guys something." Shawn said and everyone gave their eyes and ears to him. "I know that this is so awkward, but Mr and Mrs Y/L/N and Y/S/N, I would just like to tell you guys that Y/N and I are officially dating."

I looked at everyone and they were all looking shocked. We got a lot of congratulations, but what my dad said stood out the most.

"Shawn, I am so happy for you and my little angel, but when you hurt her or try to hurt her I am ready to go to jail." My dad said with a serious looking face.

We all laughed and he said that he wasn't really joking. But overall, I am just so glad that my family accepted the one that I love, the one and only Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.


Another update in years! Haha hope you guys liked this hehe.

BTW check out my other books, I promise y'all that they are good.

Lol that's it. Love you all! - Winchelle

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