Mommy? Daddy? (Part 1)

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"Just one last push ma'm." The doctor said.

"ahhhh!!!!" I screamed out loud.

"It's okay baby girl, you can do it." Shawn said holding my hand.

Finally the baby was fully out. It was such a relief.

"Congratulations, it's a baby girl." The doctor said.

-After a few days in the hospital-

"Y/N, our baby is lost!!" Shawn said barging into my room.

"What do you mean?!" I asked.

"She... She's... Gone... No one could find her. We checked the security cameras, but we didn't see anything. I'm sorry." He said crying.

I stared to cry and he went on my side.

-after five years-

"So why won't we just adopt a child?" Shawn asked.

"But that won't be the same." I said.

"I know but at least, since we both want a child why won't we just adopt one." He suggested.

"Okay." I sighed.

We both hopped into his car and went to an orphanage. Well there were about of kids to choose from, but only one of them caught my eye.

"Who's that little girl?" I asked the social worker.

"Oh that's Hazel, she was just brought here a by nurse saying that she was just from the hospital. She came here as a newborn." The social worker smiled.

"Oh can I please talk to her?" I requested.

"Hazel!" She called out.

Hazel skipped towards us and hugged me when she stopped in front of me. Shawn just walked at my back and I gestured to him that I wanted to adopt Hazel.

Both of us signed the papers and everything. Now Hazel is officialy our daughter.

"So, Hazel, from now on call us mommy and daddy, okay?" Shawn said.

"Okay." She replied with her cute voice.

We first went to the mall and got her some things. Throughout the whole shopping spree, Shawn carried Hazel. Both of them just looks so cute they both look like real father and daughter.

As we reached our home we showed her room but she insisted to sleep with us, so we just simply allowed her. By the night Shawn sang her a lullaby before falling asleep.

Well just to be honest there is this weird feeling in me that tells me that Hazel is my daughter. I mean yes, now she is my daughter, but what I mean is that I have a feeling that she is my biological daughter who is until now lost.

To be continued...


Hey guys so this would be my first series imagine and I hope you like it. - Winchelle

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