A/N | #FreeKesha

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Hey guys! So this is going to be my very first non imagine chapter besides my welcome-to-this-book chapter. Well this isn't really related to Shawn or to any of my works. However this issue I'm going to talk about is related to the music industry.

Before I'm going to start I think it's best if I would tell the issue first for maybe the reason that some of the people who'll be reading this might not know what's with #FreeKesha. Well if you don't know it's because singer Kesha is with Sony Music and recently at twitter the hashtag was trending because she said that music producer Dr. Luke was mentally, verbally, and sexually abusing her and that the court didn't side with her since they said that there were not enough evidences. Now she is stuck with Sony Music and still needs to make eight albums with the company. Hence the music industry, fandoms, and a lot of people (including me) are wanting to free her from the crap she is experiencing.

Yes it might be weird of why I am doing this. You might even be thinking how I could help her with this stupid writing of mine. Well all I can say is that this is my opinion of what is happening and what I think should happen to her.

For me, the whole thing happening to her is crap. LEGIT CRAP. Every single woman in this world deserves to be respected in every single aspect that even if there are no enough evidences I think that they should free her because I feel like it is true. Especially I have read what Michael Jackson said way back before for the same company. SHE DESERVES TO BE FREED FROM THE COMPANY.

Now for the people who says to boycott Sony products, I have something to say as well. I use a Sony phone. In fact I'm writing this chapter at my Sony phone. DO NOT HATE THE WHOLE COMPANY. The Sony company have sub divisions like the electronics, pictures, and music. And the ONLY DIVISION WE HAVE A PROBLEM ON IS THE MUSIC DIVISION! Just to be clear I am not siding with Sony. I'm obviously siding with Kesha, but do you think that whole company wants this to happen? Of course not. Only the producers do because they get more than half of the profit when the music artist's album get big. So basically the other divisions have nothing to do with this issue. THEY ARE OUT OF THIS. In my point of view, boycotting Sony products is not the answer.

Now for the music artists that are with Sony or will sign for Sony, I have an opinion once more. For the artists that are already signed I do not know how long or how many albums you need to make or whatever but as much as possible FINISH IT SO YOU CAN GO! As for the future Sony artists DO NOT SIGN ANY CONTRACT FOR SONY. I think it would be safer to say to just sign for them when it is proven that they are clean.

Again, this is my opinion. This is from my point of view. I know others have other things on their mind, I also am not influencing others or the people who read this chapter to think the way that I'm thinking and I know that I might get hate for my opinion, but this is what I think of. Please just respect my thoughts.

- Winchelle

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