Pool Day

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It was really hot and my family went to meet a friend here in Orlando, but as for me I insisted to stay here in the hotel. Since it was really hot I thought of hitting the pool. I changed to my swim clothes and went down.

As I reached the ground floor I made my way to the pool. I found an unoccupied sunbathing chair. I walked towards it and when I was about to take my cover up I saw the one and only Shawn Mendes walking towards the pool. I took my cover up off and then made my way into the pool.

I did a few lapses and just floated around. I was too nervous because someone famous is here and if I do something embarrassing it could end my social life really fast. All of a sudden my head hit something. I quickly stood up and I cannot believe that I just hit Shawn Mendes' chiseled body.

"I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-orrrrrry." I stuttered.

"It's okay." He said.

"I-I-I-I l-l-love y-y-y-your s-s-s-songs." I replied. Damn, I need to stop stuttering.

"Thanks. You're pretty though." He smiled. "What's your name?"

"Shawn.... Wait no it's Y/N." I chuckled nervously. How did I even forget my own name?

"Pretty name for a really pretty girl." He then moved closer. "Meet me later at the lobby at six, okay?"

I got a little bit of confused, but I found myself being fine. I was more relaxed by this moment. I agreed and he swam away.

I cannot wait for later.


I'm sorry I haven't updated for like forever! And I also ask for your pardon because of this short and weird and sort of boring imagine. But I hope y'all enjoyed. Love you guys! - Winchelle

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