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I finally set down her last box, carefully this time because I've been getting fussed at for being too rough with fragile items. Like the comforter, you know? I needed to be careful with that box because I'd be fucked if I broke the comforter.  "Do you want to unload your things in my room, or would you rather a separate room?" I ask her, instantly regretting giving her the second option. She puts her hands in her full hips and looks at the boxes, "Are you sure you have enough room in your room?" Relief floods through me, I need her to be with me in my bed. My bed and no one else's.I smile, "Of course I do. There's always room for you." As I turn to go up to my room, she begins to laugh and snorts. I turn around quickly and her face is cherry red as she laughs even harder, "Did you just snort?" I ask in amusement. She shakes her head, her nose crinkled in my most adorable way. "Yes you did," I join in on her laughter, "Scarlet snorted!" I tease her and watch her flush a deep shade of red in embarrassment. "Stop!" She screeches while swatting my chest like she always does. "It's cute." I tell her with a smile once she finally starts laughing.

"Oh yes," she says while bending over to pick up a box, her ass in the perfect position. Fuck. "Pigs are just so adorable rolling around in stinky mud." 

"At the end of the day, they taste amazing though, right?" I give her a wink and make my way up the stairs with the most purely fucking idiotic smile across my face. I place her things down and hop on to my bed to let her do organizing and shit. "Are you almost done?" I groan after nearly half an hour. "Yes! Now hush up." Her witty mouth replies. I smirk to myself while I think about what else her mouth can do. With her unfair fucking 'deal,' I'm going a bit mad here. She finally finishes folding and fixing up her clothes in my dresser and brushes off her shirt, her hands going over her full tits.

All the blood seems to rush straight to my pants as I realize that I've never seen her touch herself. I wonder if she does it? The thought of her hand down her pants, softly whimpering and moaning, is almost enough to drive me crazy.

"Earth to Andy!" She calls from the doorway. "What?" I say quickly. If only she knew what naughty things I was thinking about. I'm sure she would turn bright red and hide her face from me like she always does, and I fucking love it. "I'm done." She says slowly and clearly. I nod slowly in return, "O-kay." She rubs her neck and get up to meet her. "Are you okay?" I replace her hand with mine. "I'm fine, my neck is just stiff, along with my shoulders. I guess from stress or something. My head hurts as well." She frowns and the same frown spreads across my face. "Would you like some ibuprofen and some wine?"

"Wine?" She laughs, "I'm pretty sure that's not the best thing to drink at the moment." Despite her words, I see her eyes brighten and swirl  with curiosity. Her eyes can't hide anything from me. "Well," I say while continuing to massage her neck while she looks up at me with those eyes that seem to put me in a trance, "you feel very tense, and you've had a very long day. I'll go grab you some to loosen you up." I plant a kids in her hair and quickly go down the stairs to the kitchen. I know Scarlet really doesn't drink much, after all she just passed the legal age, so I'll need to find one she would like. Too bad I don't have any ranch and strawberry flavor. She's such a fucking weirdo, but goddamn I love everything about her.

Eventually, I choose a nice strawberry wine that a client gave me along with my pay. What a rich bastard. I pull her a full glass and grab some ibuprofen from my medicine cabinet before returning to her. "You sure have a lot of mirrors in your room." She comments as I hand her the glass. "Well, that's what happens when you're attractive." I shoot her a smile and an eyebrow wiggle, and she rolls her eyes playfully. I hate how feisty she is, but it sure is hot.

"I'm gonna go straighten up some paintings. I'll be back in a few, okay?" I tell her and she nods sweetly. "Have fun." She calls behind me. "Always." I grin to myself as I open the door. I check my most recent work, which is just simple paint splatters, but I find that it's not dry enough to put a seal on yet. I really wanted it textures, so I made the oil paint layers thick, too thick. It will take longer than expected to dry. I put seals on a few other paintings and return to my room to find Scarlet's wine glass empty. "Can I have some more? I really like the strawberry." 

I eventually return with another glass for her to find that she's changed into one of my dirty shirts. "You don't want a clean one?" I ask while handing her the glass, which she grabs eagerly. "No, I like that this one smells like you. Is that weird? I hope that isn't weird." She plays around with the hem and I can't help but admire how well she fills up my shirt. She fills it better than any other skinny bitch that's worn it. I love how Scarlet is so fucking curvy. She starts giggling and my face twists in amusement. One glass and she's already out of it. "You need to learn to hold your alcohol better." I scold her while laying next to her. "Your feet are... big." She just keeps laughing, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. Fuck, I'm pathetic. The sound of her laughter floods through my ears and completely consumes me, warming my chest.

"Why are you laughing? You know what they say about men with big feet..." Her big, beautiful eyes widen, "Oh, I know! I didn't think that was true until I saw your dick. What is that, eight inches? I thought it was going to kill me." I can't help but laugh at whatever the hell is coming out of her mouth. "You should put the wine down." I chuckle while taking my shoes off.

"Make me." She challenges, her voice stubborn and playful.


Here's a double update for this special day! Hope you guys enjoy it! 

-emma x

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