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"Are you sure you're okay staying here?" Dani asks me as I sit in my bed surrounded by books and papers. I've barely left this dorm for the past few weeks. I have three more days until my final exams. 

"I'm fine." I reply with a yawn. I've been sleeping too much lately that my body is just tired all of the time. 

"Andy's been asking how you are." She says suddenly as she opens the door. I stay silent until she finally leaves.

He has? I don't see why he would care anyways. I look back down at my textbook. I've read this thing countless times. I'm pretty sure I have everything permanently memorized. I sigh and gather all of my things together on my bed. I think I'm pretty much done with studying. I think I'll be fine. 

I really don't want to see anyone right now, but I don't want people to think I'm a wimp or something. Dani said she was going to meet some people for lunch at a run down Mexican restaurant, so maybe I should just show up? I feel like I'm running in circles or walking in circles, or I'm just lying on the ground.

I should get out of this little dorm room. I'll give everyone a break, for the last few months no one has broken into my dorm or woke me up at 3 am. I hop off of my bed and go to my closet. All of my old clothes are gone, and I only have the new ones. I cringe and slip on a taupe colored mini skirt that's form fitted and I pair it with an pair of sneaker and a graphic t-shirt. I look kind of sexy honestly, but casual too . Almost like I'm not trying too hard. Am I?

I laugh to myself and apply some makeup quickly and brush though my hair, throwing it into a messy, big ponytail. I look like a completely different person which makes me frown a bit. I still don't know who I am or who I want to be. 

I grab my phone and my purse and walked quickly out of the door so I could make it there in time. I arrive at the small place and walk in cautiously. Automatically, I hear laughter and talking. A deep voice rings in my ears and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. God, I didn't realize how much I missed him. 

People make mistakes, but you have to at over them because chances are you make terrible mistakes too. Everyone does, and that's the cold, hard truth. 

I approach the table while scooting my sunglasses up to the top of my head. I recognized most of the people at the table except a few girls - like the two blondes who were sitting on either side of Andy. Yeah, I'm curious to know who they are. I shift my weight to one hip as Dani looks up with a huge smile on her face. "Damn!" She says loudly while quickly scooting out from her chair and giving me a hug. I hug her back with a laugh. "Hold on. I'll get you a chair. Are you hungry?" She asks while stealing a chair from an empty table and dragging it next to a beautiful green eyed boy. "No. I'm good. I just came to visit." I tell her politely as she changes the positions of the chairs at the end of the table, mine now being next to Edward. My chair was a bit closer to Andy than I would have preferred but no complaining.

I don't make eye contact with Andy, at least I don't think so because of those stupid sunglasses that he wears inside, as Dani turns to the somewhat quiet table as she puts her hands on my shoulders. "This is Scarlet." She says while introducing me to everyone. "Well, hello." He says charmingly as everyone starts laughing. I blush and drop my head as everyone looks at me. It turns out his name is Edward. Dani goes down the sides of the table giving me everyone's name. The ones that stood out to me were 'Derek' and 'Steph' who sat at the completely opposite part of the table. Derek's face still looks terrible, and I cringe slightly to myself. Looking at Steph I could already tell she was bad news. The fiery red hair and fishnets just really threw me off.

Dani continues to move down the line until she gets to the blonde one the first side of Andy, and I decide to sit down. "That's Va- oh. Okay then." Dani says unexpectedly as I take a seat. "She doesn't care about you hoes." A guy named Joe announces. Everyone laughs as the two blondes pout, and Andy stays conpletely emotionless.

"So, Scarlet," Edward begins as the table quiets down. "What do you do for a living?" "I'm still a student. I have finals in three days and then I graduate." I smile. "Wow." He says as his eyes widen and murmurs come from across the table. "I thought you were like 27." He says while lightly lifting up my shirt to expose the rest of my skirt. I giggle and cover my mouth. "No, I just turned 21 about two months ago." He raises an eyebrow, "You've got a nice figure for only being-" "Edward!" Dani screeches while throwing a chip at him. "He's got a point." A voice says from across the table. I look to see Steph slapping Derek in the shoulder. I try to prevent my eyes from widening but I surely felt my face flush. Andy leans over the table and looks at him and then sits back in his chair, pulling out a cigarette. 

He lights it and I sit back, trying to get as far away from it as possible without him noticing too much. He takes and puff and it goes straight over the table to me and Edward. I start to cough lightly and Andy stands up, holding the cigarette in his mouth as he shoves all of his stuff in his pockets. "Is Andy going outside to smoke?" Derek asks him. Andy throws a chip at him, "Shut up. I have to make a call." 

"Wow. As soon as Scarlet gets here he gets he suddenly has the decency to go smoke outside." Derek says while throwing a chip back at him. "I said shut the hell up." Andy says once again while throwing a handful of lettuce at Derek. The lettuce sort of decided to spread and hit a few more people than it should have.

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