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I am awakened to soft knocking on the door. I throw my legs over the edge of my small, run down bed and rub my eyes. The room is dark, so I put my hands out as a guide to make sure I don't run into anything. I flip on the light switch and flinch at the burning light, feeling somewhat like a vampire. I look over at the empty bed where Dani is supposed to be, but is not. She must still be out. I open the door slowly and sleepily. There stands Andy in his usual attire. He smiles and I see light green gum in the back of his mouth. A smile is an unusual greeting for him. "Andy?" I asked. I must be dreaming... "Open up. I won't bite." He whispers. I open the door and let him in. "Unless you want me to." He adds. As he passes, his cologne whips to my nose. I breathe it in, almost going weak in the knees. "What are you doing here?" I ask him with a raspy voice. I look at the clock. "I've only been asleep for an hour..." I trail off. He chuckles softly. "Yep," he pops the 'p' sound and his lip ring glistens, "I saw Dani leaving." He clears his throat, "Back to your question, I just thought I would come and visit." He shrugs. He seats himself on the far side of my bed and waddle over, not complaining in the slightest that he woke me up or randomly showed up in my dorm. I lay down where I was just a few short minutes earlier and he lays beside me. I snuggle up to him hesitantly, and I feel his long hair brush my skin as he lays his head down on top of mine. 

He kisses my forehead and I look up at him. I felt a sudden urge for his lips. "What?" He asks. "I don't know." I reply quickly and put my head back down. What do I want? His hand lovingly strokes my leg and I take a quick glance at it, seeing a splash of color. Curiosity bubbles in my head, but I decide not to say anything to ruin the moment. "Would you like to go back to sleep?" He asks. "Oh. No. I'm fine. I mean unless you want to go..." I stammer. "No, Scarlet." He chuckles softly. I sigh, enjoying the comfort of this man behind me. 

Once again he starts whispering quietly into my ear. All I could make out was, "....you're beautiful..." So i turned to him and his ice blue eyes struck the wind out of me. "What are you whispering?" I breathed. "Just little nothings." He says with a smile and kisses my forehead.  He lays down on his back and closes his eyes. I watch him carefully as his dark hair falls on his light skin. He opens one eye and looks at me. I giggle quitely. Then once again I'm drawn to his lips as I lay beside him. All I have to do is get mine to his, but maybe he doesn't want to.

Maybe I should just tell him.

I stop mentally fighting with myself and swing my leg over his hips. His eyes flutter open immediately, but they did so softly. The look on his face sent shocks through my body. I watched as his eyes became  somewhat of the storm as they did earlier and I took a short breath in. He lifts an eyebrow and I bring myself out of my trance.

"What?" I ask. "I should be asking you." He says in a deep tone as his finger trails up my thigh. "What do you mean?" I ask again while trying to control myself. He gives me the stop-playing-stupid look. I sigh, "Okay, you got me." He smiles in response and I get nervous. "I've been thinking about the shower." I confess quietly, shyly. "Oh yeah?" He asks while pressing his hips against mine. "Yeah." I nod. He grabs my oversized shirt and pulls me to him. I put my arms out for support as his lips meet mine. The same ashy and spearmint taste takes over my senses entirely, like an addiction. "Yeah?" He breathes into the kiss once again. "Yeah." I squeak back. It came out sounding a bit strange, but he growled in response. His large hands tangled in my mess of hair and his tongue brushed against mine. I whimpered quietly and gasped. "What was that?" He asks with a smile, pulling away from the kiss. "I don't know. I must have-" he cuts me off with a hum. "Is someone horny?" He asks. I felt my eyes widen, "I don't think so." I say quietly. 

He flips us over quickly and presses his hips against mine. I bite my lip my refrain any sound from coming out. "Scarlet..." He trails off. I open my eyes to meet his. He smiles and I blush. "Stop." I say while covering my face. He laughs softly and removes my hands from my face. I can't help but feel self conscious about everything. "Have you ever...?" He trails off with a suggestive smile. I shake my head and he smirks. He trails his hand down my side slowly. The slow movement made me realize how fast my heart was racing. It was like it was about to come out of my chest. 

"Don't worry. We aren't going to do it now." He whispers into my ear. The unknown sensitivity sends chills down my spine. He slowly caresses my thigh as his stormy blue eyes wander around my small body. He's almost twice my size in this position. It feels like he's larger while on top of me. He leans in again to my face slowly and his warm lips meet mine. This kiss was different than the usual burn of fire. It was loving even. Despite his harsh treatment towards me, I felt like he may feel something also. It was almost like a spark.

Do I hate him? My mind flashes to all of the rude times I've had with him in the past few days. Is this too quick? I don't know... But I think like it. All of his awful comments and rude remarks fade away every time his lips brush against mine.


hey! sorry I've been doing school a lot recently to close up the year. now that next week is my last week, I will surely be updating a lot more often!! Make sure to tell me what you think in the comments below! Thank you for all of your patience. All the love to you guys! 


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