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"Yes?" Andy says is his deep, raspy voice as the window smoothly rolls down. He keeps his face forward, not looking at me. "What are you doing here?" I ask in confusion. He shrugs with a small smirk, "Rule number three, stay by me at all times." I scoff, "I'm not at a party, I'm at a gym." I place my hands on my hips, frustrated he won't even look at me. "Well anywhere is just as dangerous as a party." He says. 

I lift my eyebrows, "So you followed me?" 

"You could say that."

 His 'chill' and 'smug' vibe is really pushing my buttons. "You watched me work out?" He smiles. "Yeah, with beach boy." I look into the gym to see Will looking at me. He smiles and waves and I do the same in return. There is no way Andy Biersack is jealous. "That's Will." I say. He hums in response, "He seems a bit overly friendly, don't you think?" "I mean... No. He's just himself." I respond. "I mean..." He says mocking me, "He probably gets a hard on every time he sees you in those pants." I bury my face in my hands, "Andy..." I whine. He chuckles, "Simply human nature." "Okay, well I need to get back to the dorm so I can shower." I sigh. "You don't want to come to my place?" He asks, finally looking at me. I suddenly feel a bit tingly and nervous. "I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "You should. You can shower there. Just follow me." Before I could even respond, he rolls up the window and starts his car.

I huff and walk across the parking lot to get into my car. I can't decide if I'm upset with Andy or not for following me. It's funny he's jealous, possibly even cute. I never would have expected it out of him. One thing for sure about him is that he likes to make people aggravated. I guess he's one of those people who likes to feel powerful and in charge. 

We eventually make it to his house in about an hour. It looks a lot larger than I expected. I admire the nice color scheme of greys and blacks and touches of red as I get out of my car. He's already unlocking the door and stepping inside. "Come on now, we don't have all day." I snap out of my daze and walk to the door. My first step inside gave a cool breeze smelling of a mixture of ash and lavendar. I wasn't expecting the lavender smell. He switches on a few lights to reveal a grand living room with nice hardwood floors. 

As I walk through, a small black and white cat comes out to greet me. "Hello." I say while bending down to pet it. "That's Crow. She won't scratch." He tells me as he goes further into the house. He opens up all of the curtains to let in tons of natural light. His windows are huge.

"Can I shower? I really stink." I ask while trying to hide my embarrassment. "You don't really, but yeah. Upstairs. First door on the left." I follow his instructions to a giant master bathroom. I close the door and run my hands over the marble sink. I glance over to the shower, not exactly knowing if it's a shower or not. How does he afford all of this? I strip down and step into the shower looking chamber thing. There is no door, but there is a small ridge to keep the water from splashing out. In the middle of it is a small screen. I touch it and up pops different settings for my shower including 'rain' and 'waterfall.' I tap the waterfall option and select the temperature. From the top of the shower, a waterfall falls and lands right on my head. I squeal at the ice cold water and scoot away while giggling. The water eventually heated and I ran back and forth through the waterfall like a small child for a while. 

There's a knock on the door and I stop my movement. As it slowly opens, I panic and sit down, hugging my knees to my chest. "Everything alright?" He asks while raising an eyebrow. He finally took those dreaded glasses off. "Yeah." I laugh. "I see you've found the waterfall option." He smiles and I giggle. "Yeah. This thing is really cool!" I say excitedly. "I've never seem someone so amazed by a shower." He laughs while walking in. "I mean yeah." I say nervously as he gets closer. "I mean, it's just a shower." I groan. "Stop. I know I say that a lot. "I mean you do." He smiles. I rest my head on my knees as he messes with his hair in front of the mirror. "Are you done?" He asks while looking at me. "Not exactly." I laugh. "Well. Why are you just sitting there?" He asks again. "I have no clothes on." "So?" "Well you're in here." He smirks, "Have forgotten that I've already seen you naked?" I hide my face, "No but still.." "Just shower." He says. I get up hesitantly and quickly finish my shower. 

Andy eventually steps out, so I hurry and dry off. He comes back in with a shirt and some sweatpants. "Here. You can wear these since your other clothes stink." I take the clothes from his hand and he steps back out again. I put the clothes on quickly and run back down the stairs. A delicious smell fills my senses. Andy must be cooking. I walk into he kitchen and sure enough he is. "That smells so good, Andy." I say whiles standing beside him. "It's pasta." He replies shortly. "I like it when you have your sunglasses off." I say once again. He smiles cheekily and I smile also. "It should be ready soon." He says. "Okay." I respond. His fingertips brush against mine and he takes a sideways glance at me before going to the cabinets to get out two bowls for us.

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