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Dani walks into the bathroom as I brush my teeth, getting ready to go to class. She yawns and finds a brush to tame the snake nest on her head. I do my makeup simply and slip on my usual baggy jeans and carefree t-shirt. "Are you alright?" I ask her quietly. We don't really talk personal much, she's not really that open to me. Maybe it's not just me. "Yeah. Just some girls at a party last night were being bitchy." She explains flatly. "Oh." I say as I get my things together. I don't say anything else, knowing that she probably doesn't want to discuss it. She takes afternoon courses and I take the morning ones, so I only see her at night. "I'll see you later." I wave to her as I walk out the door. She doesn't reply, so I shut it quietly.

In each one of my classes we were handed unnecessarily large studying packets to prepare for our final exams. I have off until then, so I have time to finish all of these and memorize all the information. I carried my things back to my dorm and set down the large amounts of work on my bed. Before I sit down for countless hours doing work, I decide to go take a shower. 

I let the warm water flow down my back and through my dark red hair. I massage my favorite strawberry shampoo into my hair and let it sit, allowing my hair to soak up the nutrients and scent. As I rinse the suds out of my hair, the bathroom door opens.

"Where's Dani?" A deep voice booms. I squeal and reach my hand out quickly to hold the shower curtain closed. "What are you doing here?" I ask while peeking around the curtain, sure to make the venom in my voice clear. "I just need to know where Dani is." Andy's smile spreads across his lips as he props himself against the wall, crossing his arms smugly. The action infuriates me more than it should. 

"How did you get in here?" 

"Does it really matter? Dani gave me her spare key. Now where is he?"

"She's in class. She won't be back until later, so you can leave." I snap. 

He laughs, "Alright." I hear the door shut. I let out a huff of agitation and finished my shower quickly. He sure ruins me happy moods quickly.

I didn't grab any clothes, so I wrap the towel around my body and walk out to my dresser. I dig through my drawers and drop my towel and slip on a pair of underwear and an oversized shirt. I walk over to the mirror, and when I look in it, I see Andy laying on Dani's bed playing his phone. "Oh my god!" I say while covering my mouth. "What are you doing he-"

"Would you fucking chill? I wasn't even looking." He cuts me off. "Calm your tits. Literally." I cross my arms and he looks at me. "This is my dorm. Get out right now." I say angrily. "That's cute." He comments while playing with his lip ring. "I thought I already told you to leave!" I said while turning around from the mirror. "What's the point? I would have to come back later. I might as well stay." 

I bite my tongue to refrain from any rude comments and I close my eyes and tap my foot. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Trying to calm down." I huff. "Hm." He hums. I roll my eyes and walk over to my bed. I sit down, open my textbook, and begin my work

In the midst of it, I look up to see smoke clouding throughout the room. "You're joking?" I say to him while he puffs smoke in the air. "Nope." He says while popping the 'p' sound. "I can't take it anymore." I say while closing my textbook. "Leave. You come into my dorm without my permission. You Interrupt my shower while I had no clothes on, and I barely even know you. You refuse to leave after I repeatedly ask you to get out of my dorm. You start smoking after I specifically remember asking you not to. You-" I clench my jaw while staring at him in anger, not knowing where I should go with the statement. "Just. Leave." I snap. He looks up at me blankly, still wearing his sunglasses.

"Oh, and you can take the sunglasses off. I'm pretty sure the sun doesn't shine inside." I fire. He whistles, "You think I'm going to listen to you? You've got quite the sense of humor." He smiles. "Thanks," I say while lifting my chin, "I try my best." 

"You're doing pretty damn well." He says while taking a puff from his cigarette and scrolling through his phone. I scoff and tap my toe. "What are you doing now?" He asks. "Waiting for you to leave." I say calmly. "Nice panties." He says while still looking at his phone. I gasp just as the door opens and Dani walks in. "Hey. What are you doing here?" She asks Andy, observing the situation.

"Mark wanted me to come pick you up. I've been waiting for fucking hours." He groans. "It's been awfully annoying." He stands and takes his full height. I automatically feel extremely puny. "Alright, well where are we going?" She asks. "Does it matter? Let's just go." He strikes. He opens the door and Dani follows behind him without a word. Not caring to look at me, he shuts the door and the pictures on the walls rattle.

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