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I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. I'm going insane and this Andy guy isn't making things any easier. Who does he think he is? He thinks he's all 'bad' because he smokes and wears tattoos, yeah, whatever. I glance over to my bed, as of still standing from my rant, and see the piles of textbooks and packets. I make a childish whining sound and slowly walk back over to my bed and try to actually get work done. I turn on "Twin Size Mattress" by The Front Bottoms and take my pencil into my hand. Tiredly, I begin working.

I open my eyes to a textbook. I groan and change positions from the painful wooden headboard of my bed which was hurting my back. I look over to my clock to see that it's almost midnight, the corner of my eye catches Dani's bed empty. Are you kidding? Another night when she'll barge in around three. I huff and move all of my ridiculously big textbooks to the floor beside my nightstand so I could have room to sleep. I say a silent prayer that Andy and Mark don't show up again. 

"Shut up! She's sleeping you dumbass." Someone whisper yells as my eyes slowly open about half way to see a blank wall. I couldn't seem to open them anymore. The room is dimmer than when I went to sleep. "I could care less. So when are you giving that bitch her money?" A deep voice says quietly. "I'm not sure, I don't have that much." Dani's voice says frantically. "You better hurry your sorry ass to up. You know what she'll do." "I know, Andy. Go fuck some whore like you usually do instead of getting on my about my own shit. I can deal with this myself." He chuckles, "She's waiting in my room." My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the words. "Who's she?" Dani asks. "Some blonde chick. I don't know her name." He responds. Fire fills my veins. He really takes advantage of young girls every night? Disrespectful. He doesn't even know their names.

"So when is this thing leaving." He says. My only thought is his long finger pointing to my bed. "She's only got about a month left. I can tell she's eager to leave." She sighs. "I'm eager for her to leave too. She doesn't go to parties?" He asks. "No. As you can tell, she's a good one. Of course I out of all people get stuck with the preacher's daughter as a roommate. You should see her mom too, she's insane." She laughs. He grunts, "Take her to the party tomorrow." He suggests. "She would never come to one of those things. She doesn't even have party clothes." "Yeah, she does have some hideous shit." He says. "So do you, Biersack." Dani laughs. "Just let her wear some of your stuff. She might enjoy a party." "She's probably never had a sip of alcohol in her life." Dani says in somewhat of an amused tone. "Should be fun." Andy says in response. The smell of smoke fills my senses. "Well, go before she wakes up." Dani says. There was low murmuring I couldn't make out then a door shut quietly. 


My alarm goes off and my head begins to pound. I hit the off button and grab my head. I sit up slowly and carefully. Definitely a symbol that today is going to be as awful as this headache. Thankfully it's Friday. I sleepily stumble to the bathroom and get some pain medication. Makeup remover wipes smeared with black are spread across the bathroom counter. The conversation I overheard last night then pops into my head, increasing my headache. I splash my face with some warm water and change into my usual clothes. Is it really that hideous? I'm just being modest. I'm a respectful woman. I glance over at Dani while I apply my makeup.

I wonder how much she owes and what she owes it for? Seems as if the girl she has to give it to isn't too friendly either. 

I get my stuff together and walk to campus, but first I stop at the little coffee shop on the way. I spot Joseph sitting and drinking some tea. Joseph is stunning honestly. He has perfectly fixed hair with rich dark brown eyes. He's got an amazing smile, and he's incredibly tall. We've been friends ever since we were younger. We were introduced to each other through a friend, and it was strange how we hand an immediate connection. He's like a brother to me. He comes to drink coffee and read the newspaper every morning and I come occasionally to meet up with him. 

I approach his table. He always sits at a place where there will be an open spot for me. He looks up and smiles. "Hey." I smile. He gets up from his seat and gives me a tight hug. I've always loved hugs. He's the only person I've ever met who loves hugs as much as me. "Hey." He says back kindly. He pulls my chair out for me and I sit down. "Thank you." I say with a giggle. He's always been such a gentleman. "No problem, no problem. So how's it going for you?" He asks while looking around the cafe to signal a waitress our way. "Stressful, but overall good. You?" I ask in response as a waitress walks over quickly to take my order. I request a sweetened mocha latte and she runs off to make it.

"Good." He nods. "How's your significant other?" I ask him. He makes a face, "We decided that it was best if we went our separate ways. She was into someone else." He explains. "I'm so sorry Joseph." I apologize. I know he loved her so. Of course, he loves everyone so much because of his heart of gold, but he saw something special in her. 

"Its alright. I'm okay." He says quietly. The waitress places my coffee on the table in front of me, and I give her the amount of money required.

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