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"That was extremely stressful. I thought I was never going to get out of that classroom." I huff while throwing my backpack down beside the small, run down café table. "I bet." Joseph laughs quietly before sipping on a small cup of coffee. I could totally go for one, but I choose not to. "So, how has life been for you?" I ask him. He smiles, "Pretty good. You?" I smile as I flash through the past month of my life, "Interesting." We both laugh, and he raises an eyebrow. "Well. I hope that's good. I've been wanting to ask you something. I've been waiting for you to be finished with finals, but now that I have you here, I'd like to ask."

He speaks so slowly that it gives me anxiety. "What?" I ask him.

His eyes glisten, "Would you like to go out-" A loud horn honks and we both jump in our seats. I turn in my seat to see Andy parked not too far away. I turn to Joseph with wide eyes. He smirks, "Who's that bastard?"

I laugh nervously, "That's Andy." Joseph's lips purse together, "Well, you better go before he flips his shit." Joseph starts putting his things into his backpack and swings it over his back. I open my mouth to apologize, but he cuts me off, "I'll see you later."

He turns his back to me and walks away, so I get up also and walk to Andy's car. I open the door and sit down and the only sound that is made is the clicking of my seatbelt.

"Well, hey." I say awkwardly. He snorts, "What was that?" I make a face while looking out the window and turn to hum, "What was what? Me talking with my friend?" He pretends to flip his hair over his shoulder, "I'll call you." I roll my eyes as he mocks me. He can be so immature. It's annoying really. "I was going to! I was visiting with Joseph for a bit, but then you magically showed up. It's kind of funny how you always say that I'm in your business, but if I remember correctly, I didn't follow you to a gym." I mock him, just to get on his nerves, "Rule number three, stay by me at all times."

"He didn't look too much like a friend to me! The little bitch ran for his life as soon as he saw me. He knows what he'll get! And, at least I didn't snoop through your fucking house!"

I pause, "What do you mean he knows?"

"I mean, he knows. Don't try to change the subject!" I slam my hands down, "I'm not! What did you tell him?" His knuckles are white and his nostrils flare, "That's none of your business! If I wanted you to know, I surely would have let you know by now." Soon enough, the air is on full blast once again, but I find myself sweating in Andy's clothes. It amazes me how we went from getting along and agreeing to work together to screaming again.

My anger leaves me speechless almost, "Alright, well, Mr. Biersack, how am I supposed to trust you when you won't tell me anything?" He shrugs, "I don't know. You figure it out. I'm tired of you always asking questions and trying to get into my personal business." I smile to myself as we pull up to my dorm. He must not be aware of how much he's always into my business.

"Why are you smiling? You know what, Scarlet? You always smile at the worst times, and it absolutely infuriates me." He follows behind me, cursing to himself. Eventually we make it to my dorm room, Dani's bed still being untouched. I find myself missing her. "So, what were you two talking about when I drove up?"

I turn to him, "Rule number four, stay out of my business." His racing blue eyes dart to mine and we make the most intense eye contact I have ever held, "Are you kidding?" I shake my head. "How did we think this was going to ever work? You are so immature!" He fires and suddenly my back is pushed up against a wall. I throw my hands up, "Stop! Andy!" After a few seconds of the sound of silence, I slowly look up at him as his chest is still rising and falling.

My eyes quickly connect with his face. His skin is ashen. His normally glowing skin seems dull. His eyes close as he sucks himself in to try and cope with whatever thoughts are flowing through his head. He opens his eyes, and it's nothing like I've ever seen before. It's like the winter storm that has been brewing in his eyes has rained and is frozen over in a puddle on the ground, ice robbing them of their usual warmth. I want to reach out to him and tell him it's okay, but I refrain.

"I... I would never hurt you. I'm so - I'm sorry I shoved you." He chokes out, his eyes appearing glassy. I lean forward in disbelief, "Andy, it's okay." I whisper while reaching out for his hand, but he jerks it away, shaking his head rapidly as he does so. "It's really not. I'll come back later, okay? Just let me cool off." With that he walked out of the dorm while I stood silent wondering what all just went down. My mind tries to process it but keeps tripping.

He's right. How did we think this was going to work? We are dangerously polar opposites. Seconds later, there is a small knock on the door, and I open it. Andy's lips crash on to mine. "Kiss me, Scarlet. I need you."

This is the moment that I realized that I am his escape. I am what he needs. I help him, relieve his pain. He acts out in these ways because there is something deeper than I know that is troubling him. Something deeper than anyone knows. I set the goal in my mind that I am going to fix him, help lift him up, and glue back the shattered pieces. Knowing this, I tangle my small hands in his hair and pull him closer to me.


15 votes and 15 comments for the next chapter!! As a thank you for the constant support, I have been showering you guys with updates <3


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