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Andy steps in, "What a partygoer." "I'm not a partygoer. This isn't fun." The booming music has giving me a headache and I'm pretty sure the amount of chemicals I've inhaled is quite dangerous. He turns the lights all the way up and I pull down my dress. He clears his throat, "Do you want me to bring you back to the dorm?" "I'm going to leave with Dani." I say while sitting up. "She's sleeping with Mark. You have no way to get home except by yourself." He explains. You're kidding? She really just left me alone. "Fine. Walk me back." I say angrily. I'm tired, my head hurts, my feet hurt, I'm agitated with Dani, this dress is too exposing, these people are making me feel uncomfortable, and I'm probably going to get some kind of cancer from all of the smoke I inhaled.

"I'm never coming to one of these things again." I mutter. "Come on. Hurry up so I can come back. I've got stuff to do. You're wasting my time." He snaps. I storm past him and make my way out of the frat house not really caring if he's following or not. "Why don't you go have sex with some blonde? If you rip her panties make sure to tell her that there's a spare on the floor." I fire behind me as we walk down a sidewalk. "You know, that's a good idea. I've been hard all night." He says. "You're so disrespectful!" I fire. He laughs which only puts more gasoline to my fire. "I can walk the rest of the way myself." I stop and turn to him. 

"Go away." I say.

"Gladly, but I just need to make sure you get back without tripping over those heels and breaking your neck." He smiles. I turn angrily and walk quickly back to the dorm. "You're so fucking obnoxious!" He yells from behind me, but I ignore him. I completely tune out the world and as soon as I get to the dormitory I shut the door forcefully, not bothering to say goodnight to Andy. He deserves it.

I finally got into my dorm and pull out my phone. As usual, I have no messages. I peel off the disgusting dress and take off the killer boots. I'm not exactly sure what time it is, but I'm exhausted. I lazily wipe off my makeup and pull my hair up in a bun. I slip on a big shirt and decide to skip out on putting anything else on because I don't have the energy. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

I grab my purse and decide that today I would do something productive for myself since it's almost noon and Dani still isn't back. No one has stopped by, so I might as well go out. I pass by a small café and decide to drive in and get myself a latte. I finally find a parking spot at the mall. I'm going buy some new clothes since what wear is so 'hideous.'

I spent three hours in one store trying on things ranging from jean shorts to crop tops to dresses. I left with a few bags and I was pretty satisfied with my purchases. I also got a lot of good deals on sales. I don't have a proper job yet, so my mom gives me a certain amount of money every few weeks. It's awful, I know. In a month I'll be working and maintaining a life for myself though.

I arrive back at the dormitory to find the bathroom door shut. I hear water running through the wall. Dani must be back and taking a shower. I'm not really sure what to say to her. I open up the door to our closet and start going through my things. I put everything I no longer wanted in a pile on the floor. I'll have to bring it to a local charity soon. Dani walks out from the bathroom, "I'm so sorry. Somebody drugged me up." She slurs. I sigh, "It's okay." She walks over to me and wraps her arms around me. I tense, the gesture is unusual for her. I hug her back tightly. I thought about asking her what happened, but I decided that bringing it up probably wasn't a good idea.

"Who brought you here?" She asks. "Andy." I reply with an enormous eye roll. "I talked to him, he said as soon as he got back he went straight to bed." "So he didn't have sex with a blonde?" I asked her. Our argument was pointless, he was just trying to agitate me. "What?" She asks as an amused smile spreads across her tired face. "It was just a fight we had last night. I was tired and he was... Andy." She laughs. "Okay. I'm not asking anything further." She examines the bags on my bed and the clothes on the floor. "You bought new clothes?" She smiles and looks through one of the bags. "These are nice!" She pulls out a pair of black ripped up jeans. "Thanks." I laugh. I bought a wide variety of different style clothes, I wanted to try something new. I guess recently I've just realized that it's time for a fresh start. 

"Wow, I wish I had your clothes." She says. I laugh again as I start to put items of clothing on hangers. "My clothes? You still have better clothes than me." I reply. "Speaking of my clothes, I have a few dresses and a pair of shoes I need to give you." She yawns and pulls out a red long sleeved dress that looked about knee length. "Oh, that's nice." I say while grabbing the dress from her. "It's never been worn." She giggles. I gasp, "Why?" "I got... chubby." She replies with a quiet laugh. "You are not chubby, I'm just abnormally thin." I say. "Abnormally thin with hella curves!" She yells as she buries herself behind all of her clothes to reach the other dresses. I bury my head in my hands and laugh.

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