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"Why not?" He asks with a low chuckle. "Because I'm not blonde." I fire. "Ooh, feisty. Someone is obviously jealous." He teases. "I am not. I could care less." I say casually. He needs to shut up. "Then why do you get so agitated when I don't look at you?" He asks. I hate it with a passion how he never stops pushing and edging on. "I don't." I say confidently. "Funny thing is that you just don't see when I look." He laughs. I felt my skin heat up. He must be lying. "So can I get in?" He asks again. "No. Go in the bedroom." I say with a small smile. Why am I even smiling? This is a bad situation. "Scarlet..." He says while dragging out my name. "I know you hate me, so get out." I laugh. "I'm getting in." He says. "Woah! No. No. No you're not." I say. "Oh. Yes, I am." I hear his belt clink and I suck in a breath. "What's wrong?" He asks. "You're not getting in." I say. "Nervous, little virgin?" He jokes. "That's not funny." I whine. 

"I can always change that."

I hear the curtain move and I shut my eyes and cover myself. He laughs more than I expected him to and then closes the curtain back. "There's some soap in your hair." He comments. I feel his hand touch my head and I flinch. "Woah." He says. "Don't touch me." I say. "I'm honestly really freaked out right now." "Hey..." He trails off. "It's okay. Do you want me to get out?" He asks. "That would make me feel better. Maybe." I say hesitantly. He puts his hand on my chin and lifts it up. "Open your eyes." He says. I do so, slowly. His hair is still dry but slightly damp from the steam. It's almost as if his blue eyes were literally glowing. "Maybe?" He asks. His wet, plump lips were parted slightly. "M-Maybe." I stuttered. He begins to lean in slowly, and I decide to let it happen. His lips brush against mine and he pulls away  slightly, but I still noticed. He blue eyes pierce into mine, and they seem way darker than before. It went from ocean blue to stormy blue with dark clouds blowing over and winds and such a speed that it would whip something right out of your hand. 

He shuts his eyes and sighs, completely backing away. "I shouldn't." He murmurs. My stomach drops. Now that it's gone I realize how badly I wanted it. He looks back at me, his eyes still swirling like a storm, "Let me get that out of your hair." He says, attempting to change the subject. He scoots me back under the water and runs his hand through my hair. I watch his chest rise and fall beautiful. My eyes follow the swirls of ink down his arm as he rinses the leftover shampoo out from my hair. "Sorry I'm not blonde." I giggle apologetically. "I prefer auburn." He says. "I never would have guessed." I laugh. He gives a small smile, it seemed kind of sad so I decided to let go of the subject. "Do you have any shampoo that doesn't smell like a female?" He asks while lifting an eyebrow and examining the bottles. "Well, I mean, I don't normally shower with other men." He smiles an Andy smile, beautiful and bright. "True." Despite the scent, he puts some of my shampoo in his hair and starts to scrub. My eyes keep connecting to his big and breathtaking lips. As strange as it sounds, I find myself wanting that kiss despite his rude behavior recently. Maybe there's something below his thick skin. Sort of like a peach. You make a tiny cut and everything spills out 

We trade places and he rinses out the shampoo. I stand there awkwardly while still covering myself even though his eyes are closed. He wipes the suds off of his face and opens his eyes. An amused expression covers his face. It must feel great to have no shame. His eyes flash down my body and I feel myself blush. He smiles and reaches for the conditioner. Unlike him, I don't have wandering eyes.

Except to his lips.

After he rinsed the conditioner, he looks at me, "Are you done?" I shake my head. "Well, do what you need so we can get out." He says. Hesitantly I drop my arms, which were acting as a shield, and take a step closer to him. Sadly, we have a height difference, but it's not too bad. I'm a bit below his chin, but that's actually good because I like that he's taller than me. He looks a bit confused so I try to explain, "I... I don't know why I want this." I say quietly. "Want what?" He asks. I look down at my toes and his index finger lifts my chin back up. His eyes still look different than usual, and it's bugging me to figure out what it is. "Your eyes look darker." I say while studying them closely. "I bet they are." He says while never breaking the intense eye contact we were holding. "Why?" I question. "Because of you." He replies shortly. "What does that mean?" I ask, my thoughts still aren't any clearer. "I'm not sure, but yours seem a bit darker too. They're not their usual winter grey - they're like smoke." 


"Does that mean you want it too?" I asked nervously. This whole situation is giving me anxiety... "You might have to figure that out yourself." He smiles. His hand places on my hip and I flinch. "You've never experienced this before, have you?" He questions, each word falls slowly from his lips. "Well. Once in high school." I say. It was only a kiss. He laughs. "That doesn't count." His eyes glisten a bit when he laughs. "Why not?" I laugh. "I've never been somebody's first before." 

"You haven't...?" That surprises me. "All the girls I've been with have been experienced multiple times." "Oh." I say shortly. I partially wish I hadn't heard that"I like this better. Overall." He explains. "Well... This whole situation is new to me so..." I trailed off while looking away. Of course, he turns my attention back to him, "Don't be nervous, Scarlet." His voice is deep, raspy, and drags out the words. 

He places his hand on the side on my face and runs his thumb along my bottom lip. "You're beautiful." He whispers. "So are you..." I whisper back. My heart races as his lips near mine. I feel all of the blood rushing through my body. He stops about a centimeter from my lips and my eyes flutter open. 

His tongue runs over his lip, "Kiss me."


let me know how you guys like this update and what you guys are expecting to happen in the future!!  

If this gets up to 7 votes I'll update! I love you all sm <3


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