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"It didn't hurt." I whisper into his lips. "It doesn't matter if it hurt or not, all that matters is that it happened. On the contrary, I am very glad you are okay." I smile, "You barely even shoved me. I was more shocked than scared."

"Well, it still happened."

"I know. Let's just forget it." The topic seems to be causing him a lot of trouble. I decide, for once, to keep my mouth shut and not ask any questions. "Okay." He agrees.

"Look. See, we just settled a problem." I laugh and he gives me a small smile. "One of many." I hush him and he slides his hand down my side. "As much as I hate baggy clothes on you, these look cute." I smile, "Thank you, sir."

"Take them off." He commands me. I feel my hormones kick in, and I realize how badly I want this. I've been aching for this. Just then, an idea flows into my head. I know just what I need to do. "How about we make a deal?" I ask him while raising an eyebrow. His fingers graze the small of my back and my whole body begins to tingle, "What might that be?" He asks while attaching his lips to my neck. I feel my pulse quicken dramatically, causing me to almost forget what I need to say. I push him off gently, "If we get along for the rest of the week, and go visit your family this weekend then we can get physical."

"How about no." He says rudely. "Well then don't touch me." I tell him while backing away. "That's not fair. At all." His complaining makes me giggle. "Then make the deal with me." He grunts, "Compromise?" I shake my head, "Exactly what I said." He huffs, "I'll think about it." I smile at his response and hop on my bed to turn on my laptop. I usually keep it under my bed, I only ever use it to stream movies.

"You don't want dinner or anything?" Andy asks me. "Not at the moment. I think our fighting killed my appetite." He lifts his shoulders in agreement and seats himself next to me on the bed. I click on Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Andy chuckles, "You're such a classic nerd" I giggle back, "I know. I know."

"So what did you think?" I ask him. I love the novel, it's one of my favorites. "I think I fell asleep a few times." I swat him and he lets out a low chuckle. "I love your deep voice. I love how raspy it is." He smiles deeply, "That's not the only thing that can go dee-" I swat him once again and he laughs heartily. My God how I love the sound. Andy's laughter has always been one of my favorite things about him. Since the first day I met him, I've always loved it, although the first time I heard it he was making fun of me. When he laughs, it's so infectious. I smile to myself as he catches his breath. "You know you love me." He teases as he pokes my nose. "You know I do."

"But you remember how I said that I could always change the fact that you're a virgin." I huff at the though. I know I want it, very badly in fact. I just don't want him to know yet, not before he fulfills my deal. I would really like if he worked on his family relationships. "Ew, Andy. Gross" I make a disgusted face and pretend to be completely uninterested. "Oh, whatever," He scoffs. I didn't expect him to believe me anyways. "If you want me to fuck you, I'd sure as hell do it. I don't see how anyone hasn't yet. I'd do at as often as you'd like, wherever you-" "Okay!" I screech while he smiles at my flushed face. It still amazes me how he can say such dirty things but make them sound do good and appealing.

"Just saying." He adds innocently.

I eventually shower and get my things ready for bed. Andy took his car to a nearby Chinese buffet and picked up numerous things to go. Opening the boxes, I have no clue what half of the things are, but I eat them anyways. "Last day of finals." I sigh to myself in relief as I messily slop up a noodle. I see Andy attempting to refrain from laughing, but he fails miserably. "Stop laughing." I scolded. He clears his throat and regains his calmness, only to start laughing again. "It's not funny," I whine. "I know I'm a messy eater." HE smiles broadly, "Don't worry about it, it's cute."

After eating, I crawl into bed and begin to doze off while Andy hums quietly from my dresser. "I better go so you can sleep." He says while walking over to me. He plants a soft kiss on my fore head, hi slip ring making a definite contradiction of temperatures. I hum sleepily and try to keep my eyes open to see him. He rubs the back of his neck with his large hand. I've noticed he's been doing this a lot more frequently lately.

"If we are going to my aunt's this weekend, - notice I said if, so don't get your hopes up - I need to catch up on some work, so that means I will be up late tonight. I don't know if I'll be able to come get you in the morning. Is that alright?"

"Of course. That's fine. Don't feel like you always need to pick me up and all of that." I explain to him. He looks very relieved while reaching for the doorknob. "Well, goodnight and good luck with everything."

"Thanks, you too."

"I love you."

"I love you.'

And with that he was gone. I snuggle myself up under my warm covers and try to fall asleep. My mind is racing with so many thoughts, such as his family. Maybe his family is the reason why he is? I can't wait to meet his aunt and uncle. I hope they are nice people and hopefully they like me. After stressing a bit more about the weekend, I fall asleep to dreams of a dark skinned girl with curly hair and a story that tore me to pieces.


i hope your day/night is going well! once again, like i say every authors note, thank you for all the constant love and support! i really love hearing your thoughts about the story line and the complexity of the characters, it makes me feel like i'm doing my job well :) i hope you guys are as thrilled as i am about all of the updates that are posted and are to be posted very very soon! thank you all again! 15 votes and 15 comments for another update. all the love! xx


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